James Taylor

James Taylor is the President of the Heartland Institute. Taylor is also director of Heartland's Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism.



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Inslee claims to have witnessed climate change: But where?

There has been no U.S. warming during the past 15 years, despite alarmists claiming to witness warming impacts.

Commission: Raise food prices to stop global warming

UK government commissions calls for higher meat prices to fight global warming.

Report: Cut more than half the meat from your diet to stop climate change

Climate group urges 50% reduction in meat consumption.

Global warming fairy tale of the week debunked: Dying American Soldiers

Cold temperatures threaten U.S. military personnel more than heat.

The coming “hottest ever” claims are hype

‘Hottest ever’ claims are bogus and ignore the benefits of a warming Earth.

Caught in lie: Data destroys claim about Bangladeshi climate migrants

Facts debunk claims that climate change is causing crop crisis in Bangladesh.

Media hype small death toll from Europe heat, ignore many more cold deaths

European heatwave masks higher death toll from cold temperatures.

Sea levels continue to defy alarmist UN report

NASA satellites confirm modest nature of sea-level rise.

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