Climate Fact-Check December 2024 Edition: Best of 2024

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the International Climate Science Coalition, and Truth in Energy and Climate.

Editor’s note: This summary serves as a fact check on the 3 biggest false claims made in the media in the year 2024. 

The top three climate fact checks of 2024 are:

FACT CHECK OF 2024. Without a doubt, the climate fact check of the year is this chart of “average global temperatures” going back 485 million years.

Bloomberg News was so impressed with the underlying study that it named it one of “The 10 Most Intriguing Science Breakthroughs of 2024,” stating:

“It shows that over the last 485 million years, the climate fluctuated between ‘hothouse’ periods when the global temperature can be 30F hotter than it is now, and unstable ‘icehouse’ periods when the temperature seesaws between ice ages and more temperate phases like recent history. Sometimes , living things adapted to the hottest spells, with hippos and tropical palms slowly migrating to the Arctic. When change was sudden, the fossil record shows 80% to 90% of species went extinct, though life has never been extinguished completely. The researchers who made the plot say it has been a useful test of our climate models — they match these measurements-based approximations going back in time. So more steep warming is coming. The good news is that Earth will likely be a living planet for millions of years.”

Fact Check. Based on this chart , which is based on a study published in the prestigious journal Science and which has been heralded by the mainstream media, the Earth’s climate has been quite volatile going as far back as can be estimated. The most recent warming began 22,000 years ago, way before manmade emissions. When people talk about global warming, this chart can be used to respond with: “Since when?”

RUNNER-UP FACT CHECK OF 2024. Making a strong runner-up showing for fact check of the year is the March 2024 Nature magazine commentary by NASA chief climate scientist Gavin Schmidt who admitted that climate models did not predict the 2023-2024 global warming spike.

Schmidt reinforced this failure with a November 2024 op-ed in the New York Times.

Combining Schmidt’s admissions about climate models not explaining 2023-2024 with the global cooling trend for the eight years between 2015-2022, we have an astounding 10 years of global temperature data that was not predicted by climate models.

Keep in mind that climate models are built on the assumption that every molecule of emissions causes warming and drives more warming. Despite about 450 billion tons of emissions, there was no warming over the period 2015-2022 and the warming that occurred during 2023-2024 is not explained by emissions-driven models. There is much more that can be said about climate models not predicting temperatures or trends, but a decade of error should be more than enough to question their validity and reliance on them.


For more than 20 years, climate alarmists have been trying to rename the current geologic epoch, the Holocene, as the Anthropocene. But the geologists that decide such matters voted this year to reject renaming. “A committee of roughly two dozen scholars has, by a large majority, voted down a proposal to declare the start of the Anthropocene, a newly created epoch of geologic time,” reported the New York Times .

485 million years of global cooling, 10-years of failed climate models and a strong rejection of the notion that humans have altered our geologic epoch add up to a devastating year for climate hysteria. But don’t expect the hysterics to go away. They ’ll be back in 2025 as will be the regular monthly Climate Fact Check.

See you next month. In the meantime, don’t miss these great fact checks.

See you in February for the January Climate Fact Check!

Originally posted at, reposted with permission.

Steve Milloy
Steve Milloy
Steve Milloy is a recognized leader in the fight against junk science with more than 25 years of accomplishment and experience. He is the founder of and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute.

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