Editor’s Note: The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was badly mistitled, and intentionally so. The Biden administration and Democrats in Congress took advantage of Americans’ desire for a response to high and rising prices for food, fuel, and other basic consumer goods. The people of the United States wanted federal leadership to take step to alleviate inflation. Instead they were lied to and got a bill that led to more inflation, along the way imposing unwanted mandates, limiting or directing peoples’ choices, in part by providing hundreds of billions in spending on President Joe Biden’s all of government approach to fighting climate change. Democrats had been unable to sell the Green New Deal scam to the public, so they repackaged it as Inflation Reduction, and brought it up for a vote. It passed without a single Republican vote.
The law resulted in billions of dollars being wasted on various green boondoggles, including companies given huge infusions of taxpayer dollars in IRA spending, only to still go bankrupt due to poor technology and lack of consumer demand. Billions more taxpayer dollars have been shipped, without accountability or transparency, to environmental startups with no track history, but with strong connections to Biden, Biden administration bureaucrats, and powerful Democratic Congress swamp creatures.
More than a year after the IRA’s passage, when confronted with the fact that the IRA wasn’t doing anything to curb inflation, Biden finally stated out loud at a fundraiser that the IRA, “has nothing to do with inflation; it has to do with … $368 billion, the single-largest investment in climate change anywhere in the world — no one has ever, ever spent that.” The IRA spending itself was, in fact, inflationary, meaning the law had just the opposite of its stated effect. That’s what Republicans and other critics of the law said at the time of its passage, but the mainstream media chose to ignore this fact.
A new study by The Heartland Institute’s Tim Benson, “The High Costs of Climate Scams: Assessing the Green Giveaways in the Inflation Reduction Act,” discusses the Biden administration’s gross understatement of the IRA’s costs. Benson then details the various estimates of its true costs that are billions of dollars higher than the Biden administrations initial estimates. After breaking down the different types of tax credits, subsidies, “loans,” and direct spending, both directed and discretionary, contained in IRA, Benson notes the range of estimates, go from lowball estimate of $570 billion to as high as $1.7 trillion. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office updated its own estimate and concluded, “the IRA would increase budget deficits by $825 billion from 2025 to 2035, far above the original $270 billion estimate from 2022 to 2031.”
President Donald Trump and his appointees are well aware of the IRA scam, its detrimental interference in consumer choice, its skewing of capital investment, and its undermining of sound energy policy. Trump directed his agencies to look for unspent IRA funds, to block new spending, and claw back what they could. With that charge in hand, Lee Zeldin, Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency director, has already identified more than $20 billion dollars held in a private bank to be shipped to Biden/Democrat crony Non-governmental organizations and has directed the bank not to disperse the fund and is working on getting the money returned to the government. But administrative action is not enough. The law was approved, narrowly, by Congress. As a result some of the green spending can only be blocked or clawed back if Congress acts to rescind it.
With this in mind, a coalition of groups, led by our allies, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, sent a letter to the Republican Congress requesting that they stand by their earlier stance on the IRA and get back as much of the money as legally possible. The letter signed by 53 leaders of research institutes and state-based think tanks across the country, including James Taylor, president of The Heartland Institute and Cameron Sholty, executive director of Heartland Impact,
urge[s] all legislators, regardless of party, to make it a priority to get rid of the IRA’s Green New Deal provisions. Many conservative policymakers have made undoing the Green New Deal a priority. This is impossible without undoing the IRA “green” subsidies, which are the heart of the Green New Deal.
The letter is worth reading in its entirety and is presented below as a guest post.
Dear Members of Congress:
In 2022, President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats pushed through one of the most extreme pieces of legislation in recent memory: the so-called Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Not a single Republican in either the House or Senate supported this bill.
The IRA was a reconciliation bill that helped the political left advance its Green New Deal. Now, because Republicans have control of both chambers of Congress, they can now use the reconciliation process and other means to dismantle the “green” subsidies contained in the IRA.
The undersigned organizations strongly urge all legislators, regardless of party, to make it a priority to get rid of the IRA’s Green New Deal provisions. Many conservative policymakers have made undoing the Green New Deal a priority. This is impossible without undoing the IRA “green” subsidies, which are the heart of the Green New Deal.
The spotlight will be on Republicans and more specifically on whether they can come through for the American people by getting rid of these IRA subsidies. If the subsidies are not repealed in reconciliation, this will be a devastating result. It will be characterized as a major failure and an ominous sign for the 119th Congress, as well as a failure to advance President Donald Trump’s Unleashing American Energy agenda. Those characterizations would be fair.
This is a critical moment that will require Republicans and other legislators to overcome far left efforts to maintain the IRA and the Biden administration’s harmful anti-energy legacy. There have been recent reports of some Republicans wavering in their opposition to the IRA subsides. IRA boosters cynically predicted Republicans would change their tune on the IRA once money started flowing into their districts. It appears that may be happening. That is unacceptable and ignores the harm subsidies will cause to Americans, including those living in all congressional districts.
The IRA is filled with numerous subsidies that were designed to shift our country away from reliable electricity generation (coal and natural gas) to unreliable electricity sources (e.g. wind and solar). This comes at a time of concern about the reliability of the nation’s electricity grid, in large part because of misguided corporate welfare policies that undermine reliable baseload generation.
There are also IRA subsidies that work in conjunction with other policies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency’s de facto electric vehicle mandate, to kill off gas-powered vehicles – undermining the freedom of Americans to choose their cars.
These examples capture just some of the problems with the IRA “green” subsidies. In general, the subsidies will drive up prices, diminish grid reliability, compromise mobility, and disproportionately impact the poor. Not to mention, the subsidies are expected to cost over $1 trillion, and this may be a low-ball estimate.
There is another excuse for maintaining IRA subsidies that was predicted after the law’s passage. Some big businesses claim they made decisions relying on those subsidies. Any business that bet on the IRA subsidies continuing, especially given the wide opposition to the IRA, is a poorly led business. Congress needs to put the interests of the American people over the interests of wealthy special interests who are trying to keep their handouts flowing at the expense of taxpayers.
All IRA “green” subsidies should be in the sights of policymakers. They work together as a central plan to achieve a radical and harmful shift in how our country produces and uses electricity, among other things. Given that they work together to achieve this Green New Deal, they should be eliminated together to restore freedom and ensure our country can reliably and affordably meet its energy needs.
Our organizations believe that this is a pivotal moment for our country. Will we go down the path of the Green New Deal, as pushed by Biden and the far left, or will Republicans and common- sense legislators get our country back on course to meeting our energy needs now and in the future? This is what is at stake.
Therefore, our organizations again urge you to eliminate the IRA’s “green” subsidies. We are available to work with you to ensure that when Congress passes reconciliation legislation this year, these harmful subsidies are repealed. If there is such an outcome, then this would be a major victory for conservatives, and more importantly, for the nation.
Daren Bakst
Director, Center for Energy and
Competitive Enterprise Institute
James L. Martin
60 Plus Association
Paul Teller
Executive Vice President
Advancing American Freedom
John Droz
Founder and Physicist
Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions
Amy O. Cooke
President, Board Chairman
Always On Energy Research
Saulius “Saul” Anuzis
American Association of Senior Citizens
Phil Kerpen
American Commitment
Thomas Pyle
American Energy Alliance
Hon. Jason Isaac
American Energy Institute
Myron Ebell
American Lands Council
Margaret Byfield
Executive Director
American Stewards of Liberty
Richard Manning
Americans for Limited Government
Faith Burns
Energy Policy Fellow
Americans for Prosperity
Rea S. Hederman Jr.
Vice President of Policy
The Buckeye Institute
David T. Stevenson
Director, Center for Energy & Environment
Caesar Rodney Institute
Ryan Ellis
Center for a Free Economy
Daniel J. Mitchell
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Jeffrey Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom
John Hinderaker
Center of the American Experiment
Craig Rucker
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D.
Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of
Kristen A. Ullman
Eagle Forum
Craig Richardson
Energy & Environment Legal Institute
(E&E Legal)
Malon Wilkus
The Foundation Supporting Climate
George Landrith
Frontiers of Freedom
Mark Krebs
Gas Analytics & Advocacy Services LLC
Larry Hart
Hartco Strategies
Cameron Sholty
Executive Director
Heartland Impact
James Taylor
The Heartland Institute
Ryan Walker
Executive Vice President
Heritage Action for America
Mario H. Lopez
Hispanic Leadership Fund
Gabriella Hoffman
Director, Center for Energy & Conservation
Independent Women’s Voice
Tom Harris, B. Eng., M. Eng. (Mech.)
Executive Director
International Climate Science Coalition
Annette Olson
Chief Executive Officer
The John K. MacIver Institute for Public
Policy, Inc.
Jon Sanders
Director of the Center for Food, Power, and
John Locke Foundation
Seton Motley
Less Government
Charles Moran
Log Cabin Republicans
Jason Hayes
Director of Energy and Environmental
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Paul Craney
Executive Director
Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance
Brandon Arnold
Executive Vice President
National Taxpayers Union
Daniel C. Turner
Founder and Executive Director
Power the Future
Tim Barton
ProFamily Legislative Network by
Donna Jackson
Director of Membership Development
Project 21 Black Leadership Network
Paul Gessing
Rio Grande Foundation
James E. Enstrom, PhD, MPH
Scientific Integrity Institute
David Williams
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Jenny Beth Martin
Honorary Chairman
Tea Party Patriots Action
Greg Sindelar
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Derrick Max
President and CEO
Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy
Frank Lasee
Truth in Energy and Climate
Todd Myers
Vice President for Research
Washington Policy Center
Carol Platt Liebau
Yankee Institute
Benjamin Zycher
Senior Fellow
American Enterprise Institute (affiliation for
identification purposes only)