THIS WEEK: The Heartland Institute’s Climate Reality Forum from COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland
Five hours of daily presentations begin at 9 am ET on Tuesday, Nov. 2 and Wednesday, Nov. 3
Watch the live-stream at Heartland’s YouTube channel or at
We have two days of GREAT programming. If you miss anything, all presentations will be archived at Heartland’s YouTube channel to watch at your leisure.
See the full schedule at this link (subject to change).
Our Presenters

The Heartland Institute, fresh off its successful 14th International Conference on Climate Change in October, is hosting a Climate Reality Forum in Glasgow, Scotland with an international cast of scientists and policy analysts to balance the discussion at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Heartland, described just this week by The Intercept as “now the premiere think tank casting doubt” on climate alarmism regularly works with world-renowned scientists and policy experts who look at the data and do not see human activity causing an “existential” climate crisis. The Climate Reality Forum this week will comprise the only presentations of science and policy analysis that will counter the alarmist messaging of the United Nations’ COP26.