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The BBC Promotes Bad Science About Heat, Floods, Drought, and Wildfires

A recent BBC article, titled “How climate change worsens heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and floods,” claims that climate change is linked to four types of...

Mainstream Media Falls for Weather Attribution Con Again Over Dubai’s Flooding

A few media outlets, including CNN and BBC, have run recent articles talking about flooding in Dubai, claiming that climate change made the storms...

Wrong, BBC and Reuters, No Evidence Proves West African Heatwave Is Unprecedented

Multiple media outlets, including the BBC and Reuters, claim that a recent West African heatwave would be “impossible” without global warming. This is claim...

Wrong, New York Times and BBC, A New Study Doesn’t Prove Climate Change Is...

Several mainstream news sources, including The New York Times (NYT) and BBC, claim that a new study shows that recent severe drought conditions in...

CBS News Peddles Climate Attribution Misinformation on Canada’s Wildfires

CBS News ran a story claiming that Canada’s severe wildfires this year were due to climate change. This is false. Although Canada’s wildfires this...

No, New York Times, Humans Aren’t to Blame for Melting Glaciers on Mount Rainier

Editors note: The New York Times ran a story on September 9th, 2023, titled:The ‘Forever’ Glaciers of America’s West Aren’t Forever Anymore An excerpt: Climate change...

Wrong, CNN, AP, NYT, etc., Climate Change Did Not Cause South Africa’s Tragic Floods

A Google news search for the term “climate change,” over the past few days turns up dozens of stories in corporate media outlets blaming...

Bloomberg Gambles on ‘Attribution’ Group’s Bogus Claims Attributing Heatwaves to Climate Change

A recent article in Bloomberg News, titled “How Scientists Know That Climate Change Juices Heat Waves” cites the work of a recently minted organization...

Sorry, Mainstream Media, Climate Change Is Not Responsible for the Recent Heatwave

As a Google News search of the term “climate change,” shows, the mainstream media is abuzz with claims made by a group of researchers...