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Trump’s Juggernaut Smashes the BBC’s Climate Crystal Ball

Guest essay by Charles Rotter - originally published on Watts Up With That? Six weeks ago, the BBC’s climate soothsayers were gazing into 2025 with their trademark blend of gloom and green idealism. Their January...

The Public Gives a Big “NO” to $9 Billion Pipeline to Capture CO2 from 57 Ethanol Plants Across Five States

Editor’s Note: Among the really egregious policy grifts politicians and politically connected green energy profiteers have developed to profit from fears of climate change is the idea of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).  Under...

The BBC Tries a Feckless Rescue as Scientists Inconveniently Find the Gulf Stream Isn’t Getting Weaker

Editor's Note: Climate Realism has been covering the ups and downs of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) for quite some time. There is one thing we know to be true: climate science can't...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Housing Panic

Guest Post by Matt Wielicki Editor’s Note: Matthew Wielicki, Ph.D., refers to himself as an earth science professor-in-exile.  He formerly served as an assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of...

Climate Warriors’ Legal Woes a Win for the Country

Guest post by Jason Isaac Editor's Note: Climate Lawfare has been a significant problem for infrastructure projects, and has worked towards forwarding climate alarmist policies, like those covered by Climate Realism, here. The following post...

Daily Mail Ramps Up Climate Alarm With More Lies

Guest essay by Paul Homewood From NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT I’m not even going to comment on this latest absurd report from The Daily Mail. It shows just how far the MSM...

‘Miracle’ of Green Hydrogen Becomes Fading Mirage

Guest Post by Vijay Jayaraj Fanciful dreams of green hydrogen powering the future have met reality. The cost of producing this much-hyped fuel will remain prohibitively high for decades to come, crushing hopes of its rapid adoption...

Media Pushes Bogus ‘Hydroclimate Whiplash’ with Suspicious Timing

EDITORS NOTE: This past week a number of media outlets cited a recent science study to claim something called  "hydroclimate volatility" is responsible for the Los Angeles fires. It appears that this is an...

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