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‘From Idealism to Realism’

Guest Post by Mike Hulme Via Roger Pielke Jr.’s Substack:, introduction reposted from Marc Morano and Climate Depot: Mike Hulme, Professor of Human geography at Cambridge University. Mike is one of the world’s most accomplished climate scientists. Hulme...

The Global Net Zero Financial Cartel, Falling Apart

Guest Essay by Francis Menton, at the MANHATTAN CONTRARIAN Less than three weeks ago, on December 23, in a post on optimism about the potential demise of the green energy fantasy, I took note that two...

European Energy Firm Ordered to Remove 84 Wind Turbines from Osage Lands In Oklahoma

Guest Essay by Leslie Eastman from Legal Insurrection Editor’s Note: Expanding wind energy is critical to climate alarmists claims that we can have a modern economy and cut greenhouse gas emissions simultaneously – other environmental goals...

International Regulatory Authority Says California Grid At Risk of Energy Shortfalls

Guest Post by Kenneth Schrupp Editor’s Note: California has long been the poster child for bad energy policy. Its policy and regulatory responses to climate change have contributed to energy prices there being higher than...

Trump 45’s Environmental Reset: 112 Rule Changes

Guest essay by Robert Bradley Jr. From MasterResource “In all, a New York Times analysis … counts nearly 100 environmental rules officially reversed, revoked or otherwise rolled back under Mr. Trump. More than a dozen other potential...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, Climate Change Isn’t Causing More Bomb Cyclones

Guest Post by Cliff Mass Editor’s Note: In the run up to and aftermath of the recent “bomb cyclone” and atmospheric river that slammed the Pacific Northwest, bringing high winds, rain, and snow, many in...

Note to The Guardian: Why a 17-Year-Old’s Ocean ‘Thermometer’ Won’t Save the Planet

Guest essay by Charles Rotter, originally published on Watts Up With That. Oh, look, The Guardian is at it again, serving up a piping hot plate of climate hysteria with a side of precocious child activism....

Climate Realist Groups Propose TOP 10 Climate and Energy Action Items for President Trump

Editor’s Note: President-elect Donald Trump's overwhelming electoral victory and his winning of the popular vote gives him a mandate to move forward with his agenda, not the least of which on the climate and...

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