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Climate Misinformation, Factual Errors, and Climate Censorship in the Seattle Times

Reposted from the Cliff Mass Weather Blog Perhaps I should not read the Seattle Times anymore.   During the past weeks, there have been several climate-related stories and opinion/cartoon pieces that are just plain wrong.  Clear factual...

Fauci Falsely Merges COVID & Climate Claims

Republished from Climate Depot  By Marc Morano Fauci merges COVID & Climate: Infectious diseases ‘largely the result’ of human ‘encroachment on nature’ & ‘often aided by climate changes’ – Published in New England Journal of Medicine   Fauci...

Despite Predictions, 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Fizzles Out Below ‘Normal’

Editors Note: Readers may recall that Climate Realism brought attention to the claims and the failures of the media in covering the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season here, here, and here. Now that the hurricane season...

Wrong Again: Al Gore Nobel Lecture Edition

Editor's note: Steve Milloy breaks down the falsehoods cited by Al Gore during his 2007 Nobel lecture. Now that some time has passed, Gore's predictions can be checked against the real data available. For...

The IPCC’s 1990 Predictions Were Even Worse Than We Thought

Guest Opinion By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley My article on IPCC’s 1990 predictions has provoked such panic among the ranks of the ungodly that I have taken a closer look at the First Assessment Report. Its predictions...

Coverage of Climate Shifts As More Scientists Admit to Problems with RCP8.5

Guest Post by Judith Curry Editor's Note: Judith Curry writes an analysis on the beginning of a shift in coverage of climate change, as more scientists in the climate debate have begun to admit that...

Yes, Biden’s Policies Are “Derailing Domestic Fossil Fuel Output”

Editor's Note: As previously covered by Climate Realism (here, here, and here, for instance), the Biden administration’s energy and climate policies have restricted domestic oil and gas produced, indeed, “derailing” domestic fossil fuel industry...

No, Politico Europe, Vladimir Putin Is Not Making Europe “Green”

As war continues in Ukraine, Politico Europe names Russian President Vladimir Putin as their number one leader in the green energy movement. As Climate Realism has previously discussed (here, here, and here, for instance)...

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