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Sorry, PBS, Bangladeshi Farm Innovation Has Nothing to Do with Climate Change

PBS News Weekend ran a story claiming farmers in Bangladesh are developing innovative ways to adapt to climate change. That Bangladeshi’s are innovating is...

UN Secretary-General Wrong to Blame Climate Change for Somalian Suffering

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently gave a speech in Somalia in which he claimed Somalia is suffering from the impacts of climate change disproportionately,...

Wrong, AgFunder News, Climate Change Is Not Harming Crop Productivity

A recent post by AgFunder News, a news site that covers “foodtech” and “agtech” startups and venture capital topics, reports that climate change is...

Media Regurgitates IPCC’s ‘Final Warning’ on Climate Change – Without Realizing We’ve Already Passed...

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the final part of its sixth assessment report (AR6) on Monday, March 20. Predictably, the media rushed to...

True, Daily Signal, Climate Change Policy Harms Farmers and Food Prices

A recent article in The Daily Signal shows that the fight against climate change is having, and will continue to have, a deleterious impact...
comparison of drought and green

Wrong, PBS and AP, Climate Change Isn’t Worsening Floods or Droughts

A recent article published by The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (PBS) claims that “floods and droughts are worsened by climate change.” Various lines of...

Slate Shows It Doesn’t Understand the Difference Between Weather and Climate

An article in Slate suggests that the fact that some locations have experienced winter weather events this year that are unusual for them, is...

Wrong, CBC, Canadian Vineyards are Not Threatened by Climate Change

CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, published a confused article that claims Canadian vineyards are suffering due to climate change, and that genetic engineering is going...

No, Axios, Future U.S. Hurricane Damage Losses Will Not be Driven by Climate Change

An article in Axios, written by Andrew Freedman, claims increased hurricane winds due to rising temperatures driven by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations may result...

No, Eco-Business, Global Food Production is NOT Being Harmed by Climate Change

A recent article posted on a sustainability and “ESG-focused” website called Eco-Business repeats the often-made claim that climate change is damaging global food production,...