The climate alarmism industry and its media allies present a daily barrage of false, misleading, and one-sided information designed to convince people that a climate crisis is at hand. Climate Realism provides daily rebuttals to the alarmists’ Climate Delusion, giving the media and interested persons access to the facts, data, and perspectives that put the daily media scares in proper perspective. Articles and information presented on this website can be accessed by date or by climate-related topic.
No, Washington Post, Insurance is Not More Expensive Due to Climate...
A Washington Post (WaPo) article, titled “Insuring your home has never been harder. Here’s how to do it,” claims that climate...
‘Actually,’ MSNBC, Trump’s Energy Secretary Pick is Right, Climate Change Does...
A recent article posted at MSNBC, written by Ja’han Jones, titled “Trump's pick for energy secretary thinks climate change is good,...
Storm Darragh Leaves UK’s Biggest Solar Farm in Pieces
Editor’s Note: Wind and solar industrial facilities are often proposed as the way to have our cake and eat it too...
Wrong, NBC News, Climate Change Isn’t Causing Rising Coffee Prices, Production...
NBC News recently published an article asserting that climate change is driving up coffee prices by adversely affecting production titled Your...
The Earth is Not “Drying Out,” Associated Press
The Associated Press (AP) claims in a recent article, “Earth’s lands are drying out. Nations are trying to address it in...
Climate Fact-Check November 2024 Edition
Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive...
Newsweek Claims U.S. Cities Would be Underwater by 2050, Forgets the...
A recent article in Newsweek, titled “Map Shows US Cities That Could Be Underwater in 2050,” claims that a number of...
False, Inside Climate News, Climate Change Isn’t Causing Farm Disasters
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reposted an article by Inside Climate News which asserts that American farmers have suffered from climate...
Take Note, VOA, Island Nation’s International Court of Justice Lawsuit Over...
In the article Big polluters, small island states clash on climate change, the Voice of America (VOA) claimed that climate change...
No, Vox, Measuring Burps and Farts Will Not Save the Planet
A recent article at Vox, titled “Scientists are measuring burps and farts. It could help save the planet,” claims that methane...
Trump 45’s Environmental Reset: 112 Rule Changes
Guest essay by Robert Bradley Jr. From MasterResource
“In all, a New York Times analysis … counts nearly 100 environmental rules officially reversed, revoked...
Wrong, The Conversation, Extreme Weather Isn’t Worsening and Deaths Are Declining
A recent article from The Conversation (TC), titled "COP29: Climate change could kill millions and world leaders must work to limit...