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Media’s Fake Coffee Crisis Defies Record Yields, Relies on Dubious Projections
An article in Massive Science, highlighted at the top of today’s Google News searches for “climate change,” claims global warming is threatening a coffee...
Another climate scare debunked: Guatemalan coffee and migrants
Facts debunk claims that climate change is causing coffee farmer crisis in Central America.
Another climate scare debunked: Guatemalan coffee and migrants
Coffee production surges throughout beleaguered Central American nations.
Climate Fact-Check December 2024 Edition: Best of 2024
Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...
The New York Times Is Clueless When It Comes to Climate and the #ParkFire
The New York Times (NYT), in a July 30th story titled "How Did the Park Fire Get So Big, So Fast?" claims that “eat...
Forbes is Wrong, Agriculture is Doing Well Amid Modest Warming
A recent article in Forbes, titled “Climate Change's Toll On Global Agriculture: A Looming Crisis,” claims that climate change is “wreaking havoc” on cocoa,...
The Wall Street Journal’s Left Turn on Climate Change Is Unjustified, the ‘Finer Things...
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article, titled “Climate Change Is Coming for the Finer Things in Life,” claiming that by causing “wonky...
Wrong, Al Jazeera, Climate Change Not Causing Tribal Woes in Peru
An article by Al Jazeera claims climate change is wreaking havoc in the lives of the San Miguel Centro Marankiari indigenous peoples of the...
Climate Fact-Check April 2024 Edition
Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...
Get Real, Bloomberg, Climate Change Is No Child Labor ‘Threat Multiplier,’ Climate Policies Are
A recent Bloomberg article describes a new tool that scores companies based on how much they rely on child labor, which the news outlet...