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New EPA Rules Could Dangerously Close Baseload Power Plants
By Bernard L. Weinstein Originally published by RealClearWire. Republished with permission.
Recent extreme weather events, such as Hurricane Beryl that left more than two million Texas households...
No, CBS News, New York City Isn’t Going to Be Flooded by Sea Level...
An recent CBS News article claims that climate change induced sea level rise could result in large parts of New York City being underwater...
‘Skeptical Science’ Gets Comeuppance on Social Media
EDITOR'S NOTE: 'Skeptical Science' (SS) is a website dedicated to informational warfare against the claims of climate skeptics. It was founded by cartoonist John...
No, ScienceNews, Your “Ocean’s Record-Breaking Hot Streak” Claims Are False
A recent ScienceNews (SN) article claims that ocean temperatures are out of control in a year-long record-breaking hot streak. This is false. Numerous ocean...
A Note to The Guardian – Opinion Is NOT Science
A recent article in the newspaper The Guardian reports that some of the ”world's top climate scientists” believe that disaster is soon to occur...
Yes, Popular Mechanics, Scientists ‘Have Miscalculated Our Global Warming Timeline’
An article published in Popular Mechanics magazine titled, “Oops, Scientists May Have Miscalculated Our Global Warming Timeline” with the subtitle “Clues have emerged that...
Wrong, Euronews, Fire Ants Are Unlikely to Flourish in Most of Europe
The online publication Euronews’ “Green” section posted an article claiming that invasive fire ants are “likely” to spread due to climate change. This claim...
Wrong, USA Today, Ocean Currents Aren’t Near Collapse
A recent article in USA Today, titled “Atlantic Ocean current could collapse soon. How you may endure dramatic weather changes,” claims that a major...
No, AP, Global Warming Doesn’t Threaten Human Health
The Associated Press (AP) published an article about recent warnings from Germany’s disease control agency which claimed that global warming would increase the risk...
Sorry, CBS News Philly, Landfalling Hurricanes Are Not Increasing
A CBS News Philidelphia segment on hurricanes claims that climate change will cause increase in hurricanes making landfall on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf...