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Sorry, Associated Press, a Greener World Is a Blessing, Even if Allergies Increase

A story by Seth Borenstein published by the Associated Press, titled “The Big Sneeze: Climate change to make pollen season nastier,” complains the modest...

Mainstream Media Ignores Good News About Polar Bears; They’re Doing GREAT!

A recent article on Climate Change Dispatch, “State Of The Polar Bear 2021: Arctic Bears Continue To Thrive,” covers recent research demonstrating polar bears...

Sorry, New York Times and NPR, Megadroughts Have Been Far, Far, Worse Than Today

Dozens of news outlets today carried the alarming “news” that climate change is causing the worst drought in centuries in the Western United States....

Media Warns Of Polar Bear Inbreeding Disaster – Ignores Reality Over Theory

A new study published in Royal Society Journals publicized by many mainstream media outlets today, claims polar bears are in trouble from a loss...

IPCC AR6 Sea Level Claims are Misleading, Ignoring Chemistry, Physics, and History

The Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) and the Technical Summary (TS) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 6th Assessment Report (AR6), released August 9,...

Journal Gazette Story on Pending Coffee Collapse Is Long on Alarm but Short on...

An article in Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (credited to the Washington Post as the original source) highlighted by Google News today in a search...

Sorry, Google News, Crop Yields Keep Growing, Not Shrinking

Among its top search results today for “climate change,” Google News is promoting a story published by Courthouse News Service claiming climate change has...

New Scientist Claims Good News About Greening Earth Is Bad News About Allergies

New Scientist magazine published an article Friday claiming climate change is making life harder for allergy sufferers in Europe. New Scientist, however, is covering...

The Truth About Ocean Currents

For the past 20 years, alarmists have claimed the ocean currents are slowing down and global warming is to blame. Alarmists backed up their...

At the White House, the Purge of Skeptics Has Started with David Legates

By Roy Spencer Dr. David Legates has been Fired by White House OSTP Director and Trump Science Advisor, Kelvin Droegemeier President Donald Trump has been sympathetic...