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Facts Matter, Nature World News: Coffee Yields Are Growing Amid Climate Change
An article in Nature World News alternately claims climate change has caused or is likely to cause a decline in coffee yields. This is false....
No, Axios, Future U.S. Hurricane Damage Losses Will Not be Driven by Climate Change
An article in Axios, written by Andrew Freedman, claims increased hurricane winds due to rising temperatures driven by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations may result...
Watch the LIVE-STREAMS of Heartland’s Climate Conference
Don’t miss a minute of The Heartland Institute’s 15th International Conference on Climate Change, taking place February 24-25 in Orlando, Florida.
All of the presentations...
No, CNN, an Opinion Piece about ‘Dangerous Climate Feedback Loops’ Doesn’t Qualify as Science
An article in CNN claims feedback responses to rising temperatures driven by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations may result in deadly, permanent changes to the...
No, Eco-Business, Global Food Production is NOT Being Harmed by Climate Change
A recent article posted on a sustainability and “ESG-focused” website called Eco-Business repeats the often-made claim that climate change is damaging global food production,...
Wrong, Washington Post, ‘Less Warming,’ Won’t Result in Greater Climate Disasters
It isn’t often that we here at Climate Realism run across an article that is so erroneous and egregious that it earns the title...
Good News About Climate in 2022 the MSM Didn’t Tell You
Guest Essay by Javier Vinós
No minimally informed person denies that climate changes. The climate has always changed. Since 1860 the predominant climate change has...
Climate Misinformation, Factual Errors, and Climate Censorship in the Seattle Times
Reposted from the Cliff Mass Weather Blog
Perhaps I should not read the Seattle Times anymore.
During the past weeks, there have been several climate-related stories...
Fauci Falsely Merges COVID & Climate Claims
Republished from Climate Depot
By Marc Morano
Fauci merges COVID & Climate: Infectious diseases ‘largely the result’ of human ‘encroachment on nature’ & ‘often aided by...
USA Today Blames Climate Change and ‘Weird Weather’ for Higher Disaster Costs and Crop...
A USA Today story from December 7th, 2022 by Elizabeth Weise claims climate change is causing droughts and other “weird weather,” that is hampering crop...