Earth Experiencing ‘Hottest Day Ever’ Is a Deliberate Lie

The establishment media are reporting that the world this past week recorded its hottest day ever. Such claims are provable falsehoods and misinformation, designed to fool people into supporting government programs to address an asserted climate crisis.

Reuters, for example, published a July 7 article titled, “World breaks hottest-day record for third time this week, U.S. agency says.” The lead sentence of the Reuters article asserts, “The world recorded its hottest day ever on Thursday, breaking previous highs set on Monday and Tuesday as global average temperatures continue to climb, according to data from the U.S. National Centers on Environmental Protection.”

Many other major media outlets published similar stories. Some of the headlines included:

“The past week was the hottest ever recorded on Earth,” – New Scientist.

“Heat Records Are Broken Around the Globe as Earth Warms Fast,” – New York Times.

“July 4 Was Earth’s Hottest Day on Record, Tops Mark Set One Day Earlier,” – USA Today.

The chart below shows historical temperatures derived from ice core samples, as reported in the peer-reviewed journal Science. The chart, as published in “Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate,” shows the warming of the past 150 leaves current temperatures well below temperatures that have predominated during most of the time period that human civilization has existed. The top left chart is Earth’s temperature history of the past 100,000 years. The top right chart is Earth’s temperature history of the past 10,000 years. The bottom chart is Earth’s temperature history of the past 200 years. The data show temperatures would have to continue rising at their present pace for at least another century or two before temperatures would reach temperatures that were typical just a short time ago.

The chart below is cut and pasted from the United Nations very first Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. This UN chart shows the very same thing as the chart above – temperatures remain far below temperatures that have predominated throughout most of the time period of human civilization.

So, how do the media and the climate lobby assert “The world recorded its hottest day ever” and “The past week was the hottest ever recorded on Earth”? The answer is the media and climate activists deceptively wordsmith their statements to use the word “record” or “recorded.” Although they don’t explain this in any of their assertions, when pressed they will say “on record” or “recorded” only means the time period in which there has been a global network of modern thermometers – just the past 100 years or so. Of course, the deceptive wording of their statements deliberately induces people to believe a false narrative that Earth is experiencing unprecedented warmth and its hottest temperatures “ever.”

No, Reuters, USA Today, and the rest of the Media Climate Misinformation Complex, Earth is not even close to experiencing its hottest temperatures ever.

James Taylor
James Taylor
James Taylor is the President of the Heartland Institute. Taylor is also director of Heartland's Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism.

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  1. “when pressed they will say “on record” or “recorded” only means the time period in which there has been a global network of modern thermometers – just the past 100 years or so.”
    There was only a global network of thermometers in the US, and even that leaves much to be desired. There were roughly a few to none in Africa over that time, almost none in South America, much of Europe was not recording daily temperatures at the same time each day across its many different regions during both world wars, and Australia also has similar issues as the US, and so on.
    Many governmental meteorological agencies actually use NOAA/NASA’s temperature dataset for temps before 1980.
    As for the oceans, which make up over 70% of the planet’s surface, it’s all based on estimations, sediments, core samples, fossils, etc. Not thermometers. It’s high time people started telling the facts about our so-called and very blotchy temperature network.


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