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Mainstream Media Falls for Weather Attribution Con Again Over Dubai’s Flooding

A few media outlets, including CNN and BBC, have run recent articles talking about flooding in Dubai, claiming that climate change made the storms...

CBS News Peddles Climate Attribution Misinformation on Canada’s Wildfires

CBS News ran a story claiming that Canada’s severe wildfires this year were due to climate change. This is false. Although Canada’s wildfires this...

Wrong, CNN, Attribution Groups Prove Nothing About Extreme Weather and Climate Change

A recent article on CNN relies on the opinion of climate attribution groups, claiming that these groups are able to calculate exactly how much...
Pakistan's floods

Pakistan’s floods and the climate attribution con

Guest Post by Dr. David Whitehouse Climate alarmism and journalistic bias have reached new heights of misleading hype on the catastrophic flooding in Pakistan which...

The Media is Misleading on Attribution and Heat Waves

Citing research from the group World Weather Attribution, New Scientist, Reuters, The Guardian, and other media outlets have published stories claiming climate change is...

Bloomberg Gambles on ‘Attribution’ Group’s Bogus Claims Attributing Heatwaves to Climate Change

A recent article in Bloomberg News, titled “How Scientists Know That Climate Change Juices Heat Waves” cites the work of a recently minted organization...

Wrong, Time, Climate Change Did Not Cause Flooding in Europe

Time magazine recently posted an article, titled “Is Climate Change Causing the Deadly Floods in Europe?” that, while providing some balance, still asserts that...

Wrong, The Economist, Wildfires Are Declining, Not Getting Worse

The Economist ran a story, titled “Wildfires are getting more frequent and more devastating.” From the headline, which carries the subhead, “Climate change is...

Wrong, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Moms Have Little Reason to Worry About Climate Change

A recent article at Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Ad running in Wisconsin gives new name to weather events worsened by climate change: unnatural disasters,” discusses...

Countering Climate Exaggerators Squatting in the House of Weather

Editors Note: Here at Climate Realism we routinely cover exaggerations in the media about weather and climate. Most often, the media can't discern the...