Heartland Institute

The Heartland Institute is one of the world’s leading free-market think tanks. It is a national nonprofit research and education organization based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems.



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California Is Going off the Deep End

Recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order banning gas and diesel powered vehicles by 2035. James Taylor, president of The Heartland Institute, joins Tony Katz Today to discuss why this will be...

It’s Not Nearly as Warm as You’re Told

The media tells us it's the hottest year on record year after year. This isn't true. The fact is, these alarmist claims are built on faulty data. The Heartland Institute's Andy Singer breaks down...

10,000 Commandments and Regulation Reduction Under Trump (Guest: Clyde Wayne Crews)

Regulations imposed by the government result in higher costs than any benefits they produce, yet Congress continually gives its Constitutionally delegated power to make laws to the administrative state. Keeping his campaign promise, President...

The Truth About Renewable Energy Subsidies

Climate alarmists frequently claim that conventional energy sources such as coal and natural gas receive more from subsidies than renewable energy sources. The data shows that it's the exact opposite. The Heartland Institute's Andy...

Climate Change Alarmism Is Really About Socialism

The fight against climate change alarmism is bigger than climate policy. In reality, it's a fight against a socialist takeover of America. The Heartland Institute's Andy Singer provides proof that political elites want to...

There Is No Climate Change Consensus

The media constantly tells us there's a consensus that climate change is anthropogenic and catastrophic. Barack Obama tweeted something similar. Well, do scientific bodies agree? The Heartland Institute's Andy Singer highlights that the scientific...

Is Ocean Acidification a Problem?

The media often claims ocean acidification is a huge problem. Is this true? The Heartland Institute's Andy Singer breaks it down. Read more about this subject here.

Europe’s Green New Deal, a Bad Deal for Europe’s Economy and People (Guest: James Roberts)

The mandates, regulations, and subsidies required to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions as demanded in the European Green New Deal would drive energy prices higher, disproportionately harming low-income Europeans, and have a negligible...

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