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Is Global Warming Responsible for Hurricane Ian? The Evidence Says No

GUESS ESSAY BY CHRIS MARTZ Come rain or shine, there’s no shortage of people rushing to link human-caused climate change to just about everything that happens with the weather. The press in particular has become...

Pakistan’s floods and the climate attribution con

Guest Post by Dr. David Whitehouse Climate alarmism and journalistic bias have reached new heights of misleading hype on the catastrophic flooding in Pakistan which is reported to have received more than three times its...

The 2022 Heatwave Debunked!

Guest Post by William Balgord The US Environmental Protection Agency publishes information in graphical form (see below) purporting to show a steady increase in records relating to heat waves as having occurred from 1960 to...

Is the Wall Street Journal Quietly Practicing More Balanced Climate Reporting ?

Guest Essay by Eric Worrall - originally published on WUWT A scattering of surprisingly climate skeptic stories has started appearing lately in the pages of America’s premier financial journal, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). But there...

Were Kentucky’s Floods Caused By Climate Change?

Guest Post By Paul Homewood From the Guardian: Joe Biden on Monday toured parts of eastern Kentucky devastated by the worst flooding in the state’s history and pledged to help recovery, while his spokesperson warned that...

The Dems’ New Proposal Does Nothing To Lower Inflation

Guest Post by David Harsanyi The first thing to remember about the reconciliation bill that Sens. Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer agreed to Wednesday is that, despite its utterly preposterous name, it has absolutely zero to do...

Data Disproves BBC’s Claim of ‘Sea Level Rise Speeding Up’

Guest essay by Paul Homewood The British Boradcasting Corporation (BBC) recently published this claim: Sea levels are rising much faster than a century ago, reveals the Met Office’s annual look at the UK’s climate and weather. The...

Al Gore Disgustingly Compared Climate Skeptics to Uvalde Police Who Allowed Children to Be Massacred

Guest essay by Jim Steele, originally posted on WUWT On July 24th on  Meet the Press, Chuck Todd interviewed Al Gore suggesting he is a prophet. Todd ignored all Gore’s failed predictions but started by fearmongering a...

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