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Media Fails to Examine Actual Data in Making “Hottest Summer Ever” Claims

Editors Note: Many media outlets have been pushing the idea that summer 2023 was a record breaking “hottest summer ever.” However, when the actual temperature data is examined, it says otherwise. This lack of...

Media Takes the Bait on a Study Claiming Climate Change Will Make ‘Parts of the Earth Too Hot for Humans’

EDITORS NOTE: Last week, the media went agog, (examples: here, here, and here) over a flawed study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) that claimed wet bulb temperatures (essentially the heat...

No, News Media, the Summer Weather Data Doesn’t Amount to Climate Catastrophe

Guest essay by Dr. ROY SPENCER AND KEVIN DAYARATNA (originally published at Newsweek) Bad news sells, and numerous media outlets have sensationalized the past summer as being the hottest on record. But the details behind the dramatic...

Summer Warming in U.S. Cities is Exaggerated By the Urban Heat Island Effect

Guest Post by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. We are now getting close to finalizing our methodology for computing the urban heat island (UHI) effect as a function of population density, and will be submitting...

Record Phoenix Warmth Not Reflected in Surrounding Weather Station Data

Guest Post By Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. *Editor's Note: Dr. Roy Spencer analyzes the impact of the Urban Heat Island effect on major U.S. cities, especially recent alleged record warmth in Phoenix, Arizona. Climate...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, ‘Extreme Weather’ is Fairly Common, Not Rare

Editors note: The media has a long and embarrassing history of trying to falsely connect virtually any abnormal, unique, or unexpected weather event to climate change, often labeling such events "rare" or "unprecedented." Here...

The Biden Administration Misleads the Public on the Land Needed for ‘Net Zero’

Guest Post By James Varney, RealClearInvestigations Editor's note: RealClearInvestigations analyzed the many factors that go into determining how much energy is needed, and how much renewables can provide. Despite government claims that land requirements will be...

No, New York Times, Humans Aren’t to Blame for Melting Glaciers on Mount Rainier

Editors note: The New York Times ran a story on September 9th, 2023, titled:The ‘Forever’ Glaciers of America’s West Aren’t Forever Anymore An excerpt: Climate change is melting the ice on Mount Rainier. The environmental effects...

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