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Why the PROVE IT Act Would Result in Carbon Taxes

Guest post by Daren Bakst The PROVE IT Act (S. 1863) is not a benign information collection bill on the carbon intensity of domestic and foreign goods. Instead, it would put in motion the creation of carbon...

Forbes Calls BS on the latest Climate Economics Doomsday Prediction

Guest Essay by Eric Worrall ”… While I am not an economist, in my opinion the data seems flawed. …” New Study: Climate Change Could Reduce The World Economy 19% By 2049 Jon McGowan Contributor I am an attorney...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, Climate Change Isn’t Spreading Malaria to New Places

Editor’s Note: The media seems to have gotten their marching orders. Multiple news outlets, including The Guardian, The Daily Express, and Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, among others, published stories on the same day saying...

L A Times Editorial Claim that “The planet is experiencing a horrifying streak of record-breaking heat” is Unsupported by NOAA’s Climate Data

Guest Essay by Larry Hamlin The L A Times published an Editorial claiming that the “The planet is experiencing a horrifying streak of record breaking heat” and mandates that  a “climate emergency” must be declared but then...

Energy Prices 30% Higher Under Biden Admin

Guest Post by Andrew Terrell Energy prices in the United States are wreaking havoc on budget-sensitive households, making it harder for families to save money or get ahead financially. Since President Joe Biden took office in...

L A Times Cherry Picks & Misrepresents NOAA Climate Data to Exaggerate March 2024 U.S. and Global Temperature Outcomes

Guest Essay by Larry Hamlin The L A Times article and headline shown below exaggerate the March 2024 U.S. and global temperature outcomes by cherry picking and misrepresenting data that mischaracterizes what the data actually shows. The Times...

BBC Reporter Gets Schooled for Hypocrisy by President of Guyana

Guest Post By Tilak K. Doshi On March 28, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali of the South American country of Guyana became an instant hero to many as he refused to take lectures on climate change from...

BBC’s Failed ‘Fact Check’ of Daily Sceptic Report on Arctic Sea Ice

*Editor's Note: This guest post by Chris Morrison of the Daily Sceptic shows how once again, mainstream media like the BBC ignore or obfuscate data that show Arctic sea ice has slowed or reversed...

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