Linnea Lueken

Linnea Lueken is a Research Fellow with the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy. While she was an intern with The Heartland Institute in 2018, she co-authored a Heartland Institute Policy Brief "Debunking Four Persistent Myths About Hydraulic Fracturing."



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No, Eco-Business, Global Food Production is NOT Being Harmed by Climate Change

A recent article posted on a sustainability and “ESG-focused” website called Eco-Business repeats the often-made claim that climate change is damaging global food production, citing different cases of extreme weather conditions causing “crop production...

Thanks, Frontline News, For Debunking Alarming Claims Made About Antarctica’s Temperature and Ice Trends

A recent article from Frontline News, written by Chris Morrison originally for The Daily Sceptic, describes the difficulties climate alarmists are having explaining why Antarctica is not warming as quickly—if at all—as climate models...

Tell the Truth, UPI News, Parasites and Pesticides, NOT Climate Change, Are Killing Honey Bee Colonies

UPI News posted an article which claims that deadly parasites, diseases, pesticides, and climate change are killing honey bee colonies across the United States. This is only partially true. Parasites, mites, possibly pesticides, and...

The Washington Post Gets Iceberg Story Right

The Washington Post (WaPo) published a story that explains how a 600 square mile chunk of iceberg has broken off from Antarctica, and that scientists do not believe it is due to climate change. This...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, Climate Change is Not Causing PTSD

A Google search for ‘climate change’ brought up a variety of articles from mainstream news sources, including The Hill and The Conversation, reporting on research that claims climate change has caused an increase in...

No, Associated Press, Recent Migratory Bird Deaths Are NOT Due to Climate Change

A recent article from The Associated Press (AP) claims that, in New Mexico in 2020, climate change caused rapid switches from heat to cold over just a few days, which when combined with wildfires,...

Thanks, Los Angeles Times and The Seattle Times, for Admitting Recent California Weather is Not Unusual

The Los Angeles Times and The Seattle Times posted articles reporting that scientists are acknowledging recent weather conditions on the west coast, including swings from drought to atmospheric rivers causing flooding, are natural for...

NPR is Wrong, Kansas Drought Trends are Declining, and Wheat Yields Have Increased

An article by National Public Radio (NPR) claims that climate change is causing an increase in drought, as well as hot and windy weather in Kansas, which is damaging wheat yields. Both claims are...

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