Linnea Lueken

Linnea Lueken is a Research Fellow with the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy. While she was an intern with The Heartland Institute in 2018, she co-authored a Heartland Institute Policy Brief "Debunking Four Persistent Myths About Hydraulic Fracturing."



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The Guardian is Wrong, Climate Litigation Is Not Reasonable

A recent Guardian article, “Fossil fuel firms could be tried in US for homicide over climate-related deaths, experts say,” describes a “new legal theory” that claims fossil fuel companies could be tried for homicide...

WIRED Is Pushing False Claims About Climate Change and Human Health, Again

WIRED, once ostensibly a tech magazine, recently ran an article titled “Climate Change Is Bad for Your Health, Wherever You Are,” which claims that climate change is threatening human health everywhere around the world...

The Conversation Leans on Flawed Polling Study to Claim That Climate Change Influences Elections

In a recent post by The Conversation, “Climate change matters to more and more people – and could be a deciding factor in the 2024 election,” one of the authors of a recent study...

PBS Almost Admits CO2 and Warming Are Good for Crop Production, Almost!

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The Guardian Should Know That One Mild Winter Is Not Climate Change, Nor Is It Alarming

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No, Atlantic Council, Climate Change is Not Making the Middle East and North Africa “Unlivable”

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InQueensland Presents Good News on Corals, Then Mucks It up With a False Climate Scare

An Australian news site, InQueensland, reports that a new study has found that there are 25 percent more coral reefs on Earth than previously thought. This is good news showing that corals are resilient...

Thanks, Associated Press, For Reporting on E.U. Farmers’ Victory over Harmful Climate Regulations

A recent article from the Associated Press (AP), “E.U. scraps pesticide proposal in another concession to protesting farmers,” reports that the recent farmer protests across Europe are beginning to force the European Union (E.U.)...

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