H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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Wrong, Washington Post, Cold Kills More People in the United States (and Globally) Than Heat

The Washington Post’s (WaPo) dedicated (twice a week) climate columnist, Michael J. Cohen, the so-called Climate Coach, posted an article stating as a fact that high temperatures kill more people in the United States...

Wrong, USA Today and Other Media, U.S. States Haven’t Set New High Temperature Records This Summer

USA Today followed the lead of several other mainstream media outlets claiming that during a recent summer heatwave in early July that the world, along with several U.S. states, have set new all time...

Check Your Facts, Yahoo News and New York Times, Neither Canadian Wildfires nor Heatwaves Are Getting Worse

Smoke from Canada’s ongoing wildfires continues to darken skies in the United States, and mainstream media outlets like Yahoo News and the New York Times blame climate change. They are wrong.

Wrong (Again), CBC, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Decline in Wine Production

For the second time in the space of two months CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, ran a story claiming climate change is harming wine production, particularly in Canada. As Climate Realism showed in March, when...

Wrong, NBC News, Climate Change Is Enhancing Wheat Production, Not Threatening It

A story on NBC News cites worst case scenarios to claim that climate change threatens global wheat production. This is false. Hard data shows wheat production has grown dramatically during the recent period of...

Wrong, Scientific American, Governments Cause Inflation, Not Climate Change

Scientific American republished a story by Climatewire claiming climate change is causing inflation. This is false. Inflation, in the words of Nobel prize winning economist, Milton Friedman, “is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.”...

The Fed Is Right, Bloomberg, Climate Change Poses No Threat to Banks ‘Financial Stability’

An article in Bloomberg, “Climate change not 'serious risk' to financial stability, Fed's Waller says,” quotes Christopher Waller, the Board Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) of the United States, saying that...

Relax, Fresh Plaza, Florida Strawberry Production Is Growing

Fresh Plaza, a global trade publication for the fresh produce industry, ran an article claiming climate change is harming Florida’s strawberry production. This is false. Data shows that amid modest warming, Florida’s strawberry production...

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