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Sacramento Bee Won’t Attribute Mild Wildfire Season to Climate Change, Falsely Claims the Inverse

A recent article in the Sacramento Bee (The Bee) claims that this year’s mild wildfire season in California shouldn’t be attributed to climate change,...

NYT Claims Record September Temperature Indicates Accelerated Climate Change- It Doesn’t

A guest opinion article in The New York Times by Zeke Hausfather, Ph.D, titled "I Study Climate Change. The Data Is Telling Us Something...

The Hill is Just Making Stuff Up Now About Climate Change, Fossil Fuels, and...

The Hill recently posted an article titled, “Climate change is still the top issue in the 2024 election,” written by William S. Becker, which...

Media Takes the Bait on a Study Claiming Climate Change Will Make ‘Parts of...

EDITORS NOTE: Last week, the media went agog, (examples: here, here, and here) over a flawed study in Proceedings of the National Academy of...

Pope Francis Makes Serious Errors in his Recent Climate Encyclical

Many mainstream media outlets, like CNN and the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), and trade or specialty journals, like Inside Climate News, among numerous others,...

Climate Fact-Check September 2023 Edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...

No, New York Times, Schools Aren’t Being Hit with “Climate Disasters”

An article in the New York Times (NYT) claims that schools must prepare for so called “climate disasters.” This is false. The writer erroneously...

No, News Media, the Summer Weather Data Doesn’t Amount to Climate Catastrophe

Guest essay by Dr. ROY SPENCER AND KEVIN DAYARATNA (originally published at Newsweek) Bad news sells, and numerous media outlets have sensationalized the past summer as being...

Wrong, CNBC and U.S. Treasury Department, Climate Change Is Unlikely to Impose New Costs...

An article published by CNBC cites a recent report by the U.S. Treasury Department to claim that climate change is likely to impose “substantial...

Record Phoenix Warmth Not Reflected in Surrounding Weather Station Data

Guest Post By Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. *Editor's Note: Dr. Roy Spencer analyzes the impact of the Urban Heat Island effect on major U.S....