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Brewing Truth: Climate Doomsayers’ Cooked up Coffee Crisis

EDITORS NOTE: The supposed "climate threat" against coffee has been debunked at Climate Realism multiple times in the past, here, here, and here, for...

Wrong, CNN, Climate Change Isn’t the Cause of Rising Bear Attacks in Japan

CNN recently posted an article claiming that climate change is causing an uptick in bear attacks in Japan. There is no evidence climate change...

Wrong, Phys.Org, Boreal Forests Are Doing Well Amid Modest Warming

Phys.org published an article describing research which claims, “world's boreal forests may be shrinking.” This claim is refuted by data showing that boreal forests...

To Be Clear, Minnesota Public Radio, Allergies Are Manageable, Extended Growing Seasons Benefit Everyone

Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) ran a segment during its local morning edition titled, “Climate change is contributing to an extended allergy season.” While the...

Bloomberg Falsely Says Climate Change is Harming Crop Production, Reality Says Otherwise

A recent post at Bloomberg, titled “Climate Change Is Helping Pests and Diseases Destroy Our Food,” claims that recent crop shortages are due to...
spring park

WCAX Hyper-Focuses on Spring Allergies, Ignoring the Benefits of Increased Plant Growth

A recent article on the website of a local Vermont television station, WCAX 3, titled “Allergy sufferers face worsening symptoms from changing climate,” claims...

Climate Fact-Check April 2023 Edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...

No, AP, Climate Change Is Not Increasing Wildfires in Anchorage

An article by The Associated Press (AP) titled Wildfires in Anchorage? Climate change sparks disaster fears suggests disaster due to climate change induced drought...

MSNBC ‘Punks’ GOP but Gets Caught Telling Lies About Starvation, Climate Deaths

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner aired a segment on April 28 titled, “Republican policy on climate change takes a turn for the absurd.” The only problem...

Not So Fast, NBC News, An Increase in Pollen Indicates Plants are Thriving, That’s...

A recent article at NBC news claims that more people are suffering from allergies than ever before due to climate change’s impact on the...