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Slate Shows It Doesn’t Understand the Difference Between Weather and Climate

An article in Slate suggests that the fact that some locations have experienced winter weather events this year that are unusual for them, is...

Wrong, CBC, Canadian Vineyards are Not Threatened by Climate Change

CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, published a confused article that claims Canadian vineyards are suffering due to climate change, and that genetic engineering is going...

No, Forbes, Climate Change is Not Necessitating New Shipping Industry Standards

A recent Forbes article, written by weather “risk communicator” and meteorologist Renny Vendewege, claims that extreme weather and climate change are forcing the International...

Wrong, Bloomberg, India is NOT Becoming More Vulnerable to Extreme Weather

A recent Bloomberg article claims that global warming is causing more frequent and intense extreme weather, like drought and heavy rains, in India. The...

Wrong, Phys.org, Atmospheric Rivers and Hurricanes are Not Getting Worse

A recent article at Phys.org, originally published by the Chicago Tribune, says that climate change is behind the recent atmospheric river events in California,...
migratory birds

Climate Fact Check: January 2023 Edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...

No, Eco-Business, Global Food Production is NOT Being Harmed by Climate Change

A recent article posted on a sustainability and “ESG-focused” website called Eco-Business repeats the often-made claim that climate change is damaging global food production,...

Tell the Truth, UPI News, Parasites and Pesticides, NOT Climate Change, Are Killing Honey...

UPI News posted an article which claims that deadly parasites, diseases, pesticides, and climate change are killing honey bee colonies across the United States....

Sorry, OZY/The Drop, Climate Change Did Not Cause 2022’s Decline in Kashmir’s Apple Production

A Google News search for the term “climate change,” today turned up a story published by The Drop, a publication of the multimedia outlet,...

LA Times is Wrong: Natural Gas Prices are NOT Due to ‘Instability of Fossil...

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The L A Times long campaign of politically driven and flawed climate alarmism propaganda editorials which includes the Times incompetent and misrepresented...