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Wrong, New York Times and BBC, A New Study Doesn’t Prove Climate Change Is...

Several mainstream news sources, including The New York Times (NYT) and BBC, claim that a new study shows that recent severe drought conditions in...

U.S. Climate 2023 Year in Review In One Word: NORMAL

From Dr. Roger Pielke Jr via WattsUpWithThat The year is not quite in the books, but it is late enough that we can have a...

Climate Fact-Check October 2023 Edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...

NOAA and the Media Continue to Misinform About Climate Change and Extreme Weather

The Scientific American, among other mainstreams media outlets, such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, are promoting claims made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, ‘Extreme Weather’ is Fairly Common, Not Rare

Editors note: The media has a long and embarrassing history of trying to falsely connect virtually any abnormal, unique, or unexpected weather event to...

Paul Krugman Is an Arrogant Idiot and He’s Worried. Good!

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is an idiot when it comes to economics, his supposed area of expertise. Who can forget these doozies: the...

The Hill Should Check Their Data, Weather is Not Getting Worse

The Hill recently posted an article about climate change, “There is no ‘new normal’: absent drastic action, the climate will only get worse,” claiming...

Wrong, CNN, Attribution Groups Prove Nothing About Extreme Weather and Climate Change

A recent article on CNN relies on the opinion of climate attribution groups, claiming that these groups are able to calculate exactly how much...

No, BBC, Flight Turbulence Is NOT a Worsening Problem in Global Aviation

An article on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website makes the claim that clear air turbulence (CAT) is getting worse, affecting airline flights, and...

Wrong, The Guardian, Climate Change Isn’t Causing More Climbing Deaths on Mount Everest

An article in The Guardian claims that climate change is killing people on Mount Everest. This is a false. Climate change is not highly...