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The Boston Herald Is Right, Climate Change Is Not Causing Increases in Extreme Weather

A Google News search for the term “climate change” today finds a fact-based article in the Boston Herald, showing there is no evidence the...

Austin’s NBC Affiliate Is Wrong to Claim Climate Change Is Causing More Weather Extremes

A search of Google News for the term “climate change” today turns up a number of articles falsely claiming human climate change is causing...

No, NY Times, Climate Change Does Not Threaten Power Grids

The New York Times published a February 16 article claiming climate change is making America’s power grid more vulnerable due to an increase in...

Sorry, Big Insurance Corporations, Climate Change Is Not Causing Record Disasters

Large insurance corporations stand to make huge profits by using the excuse of climate change risks to raise rates, regardless of whether the climate...

Activist Group’s Climate-and-Economy Claims Are Bogus, Despite Media Hype

The climate activist group Ceres just published ridiculous, biased claims that climate change has hammered the economy, while the establishment media eagerly and shamelessly...

Highly Touted Alarmist Hurricane ‘Study’ Sets New Low for Misleading Deception

The media are breathlessly touting a cheap new “study” falsely asserting climate change is causing an increase in strong hurricanes. In reality, the study...

No, BBC, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ Science Claims Have Not Come True

BBC has published an article claiming much of the science in the 2004 climate science fiction film The Day After Tomorrow “hold up remarkably...

Honors Students at University of Utah Attack UN Climate Consensus

Eleven students with the University of Utah’s Honors College viciously attacked climate science in an April 11 column in the Salt Lake City Tribune....

MIT Podcast Denies Climate Science, Extreme Weather Events

A March 25 MIT Technology Review podcast titled, “Yes, you can blame climate change for extreme weather,” defies objective facts and even the findings...