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Florida Phoenix Dismisses the Threat to the U.S. Power Grid
Writing for the Florida Phoenix (The Phoenix), a “progressive” paper from Tallahassee Florida, environmental “journalist,” Craig Pittman mocks warnings from power grid operators who...
Paul Krugman Is an Arrogant Idiot and He’s Worried. Good!
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is an idiot when it comes to economics, his supposed area of expertise. Who can forget these doozies: the...
Wrong, USA Today, Ocean Currents Aren’t Near Collapse
A recent article in USA Today, titled “Atlantic Ocean current could collapse soon. How you may endure dramatic weather changes,” claims that a major...
Wrong, Washington Post, Cold Kills More People in the United States (and Globally) Than...
The Washington Post’s (WaPo) dedicated (twice a week) climate columnist, Michael J. Cohen, the so-called Climate Coach, posted an article stating as a fact...
The Hill Should Check Their Data, Weather is Not Getting Worse
The Hill recently posted an article about climate change, “There is no ‘new normal’: absent drastic action, the climate will only get worse,” claiming...
No, WaPo, Climate Change is NOT Fueling More Devastating Rains and Flooding
A June 26 article in the Washington Post (WaPo) titled "The places in the U.S. most at risk for extreme rainfall" makes this claim...
Wrong, CNN, Attribution Groups Prove Nothing About Extreme Weather and Climate Change
A recent article on CNN relies on the opinion of climate attribution groups, claiming that these groups are able to calculate exactly how much...
No, BBC, Flight Turbulence Is NOT a Worsening Problem in Global Aviation
An article on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website makes the claim that clear air turbulence (CAT) is getting worse, affecting airline flights, and...
Biased New ‘Study’ Claims Florida Strawberry Scare – As Harvests Set Records
At the top of today’s “climate change” search results promoted by Google News is an article by Axios claiming “Florida’s strawberry industry threatened by...
Relax, Fresh Plaza, Florida Strawberry Production Is Growing
Fresh Plaza, a global trade publication for the fresh produce industry, ran an article claiming climate change is harming Florida’s strawberry production. This is...