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No, BBC, a Small Panamanian Island is Not Drowning Due to Climate Change

The BBC’s recent article “Climate change: The Panama community that fled its drowning island,” claims that the island of Cartí Sugdupu in Panama is...

Take Note, VOA, Island Nation’s International Court of Justice Lawsuit Over Sea-Level Rise Is...

In the article Big polluters, small island states clash on climate change, the Voice of America (VOA) claimed that climate change threatens the survival...

Note to Australian Broadcasting Corporation News, Pacific Island Sea Level Projections Are Wrong

A September 26th article on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) website, titled "Sea level rise inevitable for Pacific Islands despite future greenhouse gas emissions...

The New York Times Is Right, Finally; Climate Change Is Not Threatening Island Nations

The New York Times (NYT) recently posted an article, titled “A Surprising Climate Find,” which explains how island nations like the Maldives and Tuvalu...

Wrong, AP, Human-Caused Climate Change is Not Why Houses on Barrier Islands Are In...

Guest post by Buck Throckmorton Editor's Note: The Associated Press, along with other news agencies, are once again blaming climate change and rising sea levels...

Sorry, Guardian and Reuters, Island Nations Have No Climate Case

The Guardian and Reuters, along with other mainstream media outlets and news services, are covering a “landmark” hearing in a case a group of...

The Financial Times and Island Nations Are Wrong – Climate Change Not Causing Stronger...

Near the top of a Google news search for the phrase “climate change” today one finds a story in the Financial Times reporting island...

New Climate Summary: Islands Not Losing Land or People to Sea Level Rise

A new study posted at ClimateAtAGlance.com documents that most small islands are growing, not losing land to sea-level rise, and island nations are attracting...

No, Rising Seas Are Not Swallowing Island Nations

Among the top Google News search results today for “climate change” is the Associated Press (AP) story,  “Leaders to UN: If virus doesn’t kill...

Wrong, CNN, Climate Change Isn’t the Cause of Rising Bear Attacks in Japan

CNN recently posted an article claiming that climate change is causing an uptick in bear attacks in Japan. There is no evidence climate change...