Linnea Lueken

Linnea Lueken is a Research Fellow with the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy. While she was an intern with The Heartland Institute in 2018, she co-authored a Heartland Institute Policy Brief "Debunking Four Persistent Myths About Hydraulic Fracturing."



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Contra USA Today, Maple Syrup Isn’t Going Anywhere

A google search for “Climate Change” this morning turned up an article from USA Today, which says that maple syrup production is at risk because of climate change, and that the range of maple...

No, Time Magazine, Climate Change is Not Worsening Drought

A recent Time magazine article says human-caused climate change is increasing the severity and number of droughts around the world. These claims are false. Drought tracking data show no meaningful trend in severity or...

Yahoo News Misleads on New Mexico Wildfires

A recent Yahoo News story claims wildfires in New Mexico are starting earlier because of climate change. This is false. Although New Mexico’s wildfire season typically reaches its peak in May and June, wildfires...

Time Mag is Wrong, Climate Change Will Not Make Food Scarce

A Time Magazine article ascribes the potential for a major food crisis to two sources: the war in Ukraine and climate change. Concerning the latter claim, Time is simply wrong. While the war in...

A ‘Carbon Fee’ Will Not Save Hawaii from Climate Change

A recent story in the Honolulu Civil Beat claims that climate change in Hawaii, driven by fossil-fuel use, is damaging the islands, a problem that can be solved by imposing a tax on carbon...

The Conversation Misleads on Coral Reefs and Solutions to Climate Change

A Google News search for the term “Climate Change” brings up an article by The Conversation, in which two authors associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report make a...

Wrong, WDSU, Climate Change Is Not Causing an Increase in ‘Dixie Alley’ Tornadoes

A recent article by a meteorologist writing for WDSU New Orleans, “Rising tornado numbers linked to climate change, study says,” makes the erroneous claim that climate change is causing more tornadoes in the southeastern...

No, The Columbian, Climate Change is Not Causing More Power Outages

The Columbian ran an article claiming extreme weather, exacerbated by climate change, is causing an increase in power outages across the United States. This claim is false. Data clearly show that there has been...

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