H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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False, CNBC, Climate Change Is Not Causing a Housing Market Collapse

CNBC recently published an article claiming that climate change is threatening to cause a housing market collapse, with losses topping a trillion dollars. This is false. Data show no climate induced change in extreme...

Wrong, Earth.com, Cocoa Production Is Not ‘Under Extreme Climate Pressure’ It’s Improving

Earth.com published a story claiming climate change is causing cocoa production to fall in West and Central Africa. This is false. Data show that cocoa production has increased during the last few decades of...

Fake News, CNN and UN, Climate Change Is Not Disrupting Latin America’s Food Production

A recent CNN story claims that climate change has caused recent disruptions in food production across the Caribbean and South America. This is false. Although in Latin America as elsewhere farm production varies from...

Quit Fretting, The Hill, Apple Production Is Not Declining from Climate Change

The Hill published an article claiming climate change is threatening apple production in the United States. Data refutes this claim with apple yields increasing dramatically amid the recent modest warming. Apple production rises and...

Wrong, Forbes and NBC, Climate Change Isn’t Ending White Christmases

Forbes and NBC News were among several media outlets that ran what turned out to be ill timed articles on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day claiming climate change threatened to end snow on Christmas....

False, Inside Climate News, Climate Change Isn’t Causing Farm Disasters

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reposted an article by Inside Climate News which asserts that American farmers have suffered from climate change over the past eight years and, as a result, have become less...

Check Your Facts, PBS News, Climate Change Has Played No Role in Northeastern Wildfires

The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) News ran a story claiming climate change has caused or contributed to wildfires currently plaguing New York and New Jersey. This is false. Wildfires have plagued both states throughout...

Right, Our World In Data, Climate Change Is Increasing Crop Yields, Concern About Future Decline Is Unwarranted

Our World In Data (OWID) ran a series of articles by Hannah Ritchie which explores the impact of climate change on crop production. On balance the stories get the facts straight, pointing out that...

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