H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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Relax, Contrary to Media Reports, Research Shows Gulf Stream Collapse Is Not Occurring

A search of Google News for the term “climate change” today shows the mainstream media is abuzz with the claim human climate change is causing the collapse of the Gulf Stream, which could lead...

Sorry Gov. Kate Brown, Climate Change is Not Driving Oregon’s Wildfires

In an article, titled “The West Is on Fire, It’s Past Time to Act on Climate Change,” the New York Times allowed Oregon’s Democratic Gov. Kate Brown to opine that the wildfires currently scorching...

Relax and Sip Some Cabernet or Riesling, Grape Production Doing Well Amidst Warming

A Google News search of the phrase “Climate Change” turns up a story in Triple Pundit claiming global warming threatens grape harvests and wine production. Real-world data say otherwise. Grape production has grown significantly...

Mainstream Media Silent on New Study Showing Deaths Associated with Temperature Extremes Declining

A study just published in the prominent health journal, The Lancet, reports deaths associated with extreme temperatures are declining. The report also demonstrates cold temperatures contribute to far more deaths each year than warmer...

Good News About The Great Barrier Reef Is No News for the Mainstream Media

A recent report citing reef population data from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) shows corals on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) have significantly expanded in number despite repeated bleaching events over the...

Impossibly Inconsistent Climate Disaster Claims – an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Fantasy

Climate alarmists have a problem presenting a consistent narrative on the dangers supposed human-caused climate change poses. Instead, they follow Lewis Carroll’s irrepressible and violent Red Queen down the climate change rabbit hole, as when...

NASA, Washington Post, and Other Media Outlets Need To Get the Facts About Climate, the Moon Wobble and Flooding Straight

A report from NASA claiming natural shifts in the moon’s “wobble,” will combine with climate change to increase coastal flooding in the 2030s, is prominently featured on Google News today in a search for...

Yahoo News Is Wrong, Hurricane Elsa’s Relatively Early Arrival Offers No Proof of Climate Change

Multiple mainstream media outlets ran stories and editorials last week claiming Hurricane Elsa, a tropical storm which barely qualified as a category one hurricane for a few short hours, was proof of human caused...

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