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CNN Peddles Alarm About Western Antarctica Melting

A recent article posted by CNN claims that western Antarctica is melting rapidly and can’t be stopped, due to human-caused global warming, which will...

Wrong, ABC News, Data Refutes Strengthening Hurricanes Claim

The mainstream media, among them ABC News, Reuters and the New York Times, ran prominent stories claiming new research shows that Atlantic hurricanes have...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, ‘Extreme Weather’ is Fairly Common, Not Rare

Editors note: The media has a long and embarrassing history of trying to falsely connect virtually any abnormal, unique, or unexpected weather event to...

MSN Pushes Rice, Sugar, Tomato Crises – Despite New Crop Records

This morning, the MSN news feed that displays for millions of people when they open a new Internet tab prominently displayed an article titled,...

Media Spews Misinformation About Emperor Penguins’ Breeding Failure

Editors note: Many news outlets fell for this flawed science paper and didn't bother to check facts before publishing news stories claiming the penguins...

Florida Phoenix Dismisses the Threat to the U.S. Power Grid

Writing for the Florida Phoenix (The Phoenix), a “progressive” paper from Tallahassee Florida, environmental “journalist,” Craig Pittman mocks warnings from power grid operators who...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, Florida’s Sea Water Is Not Setting Records

Last week, several media outlets reported on a single seawater temperature of 101.1°F recorded at a buoy in Florida, claiming it was due to...

Wrong, Washington Post, Cold Kills More People in the United States (and Globally) Than...

The Washington Post’s (WaPo) dedicated (twice a week) climate columnist, Michael J. Cohen, the so-called Climate Coach, posted an article stating as a fact...

No, the Earth Did Not have an ‘Unprecedented and Terrifying … All-Time High Temperature’...

On July 3rd and 4th and the following days, multiple mainstream media outlets ran stories claiming that the Earth had experienced an unprecedented hot...

Earth Experiencing ‘Hottest Day Ever’ Is a Deliberate Lie

The establishment media are reporting that the world this past week recorded its hottest day ever. Such claims are provable falsehoods and misinformation, designed...