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No, BBC, Flight Turbulence Is NOT a Worsening Problem in Global Aviation

An article on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website makes the claim that clear air turbulence (CAT) is getting worse, affecting airline flights, and...

Dear Financial Times, Maple Syrup Production is Doing Fine

A recent article in Financial Times repeats the often made late-winter/early spring claim that maple syrup production is being threatened by global warming. Available...

Schooling the Media: Anomaly vs. Real-World Global Temperature

Originally published on WattsUpWithThat. Mainstream media outlets often use graphics to show how temperatures are rising dramatically in recent decades, here, here, and here for...
U.S. warming is exaggerated in urban areas like Chicago

Daily Sceptic Reports on Research Showing U.S. Warming is Exaggerated by 50 Percent

A recent post from The Daily Sceptic describes new research conducted by scientists seeking to accurately determine U.S. surface temperatures after the influence of...

Is Global Warming Responsible for Hurricane Ian? The Evidence Says No

GUESS ESSAY BY CHRIS MARTZ Come rain or shine, there’s no shortage of people rushing to link human-caused climate change to just about everything that...

Washington Post Ignores Data to Claim Summers Are ‘…Hotter, Longer and More Dangerous’

A story in The Washington Post (WaPo), titled “Summer in America is becoming hotter, longer and more dangerous”, By Anna Phillips, Brady Dennis, Jason...

No, USA Today, Heat Waves Are Not the “Top Weather-Related Killer”

A story in the September 12 edition of USA Today, titled “California becomes first US state to begin ranking extreme heat wave events,” erroneously...

Yahoo and AP are Wrong About Northeastern Drought

An Associated Press (AP) story picked up by Yahoo News claims that climate change is causing a trend towards hotter, drier summers and drought...

Thanks, Guardian, For Questioning the Virtues of Biomass

A recent article in United Kingdom (UK)-based newspaper The Guardian gives fair coverage to the idea that biomass energy may not be as environmentally...

LinkedIn Bans Scientist for Presenting Inconvenient Truths About CO2

The big-tech censors are at it again: the CO2 Coalition’s Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone has been permanently banned from LinkedIn. What did Wrightstone do...