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New Climate Summary: Islands Not Losing Land or People to Sea Level Rise

A new study posted at ClimateAtAGlance.com documents that most small islands are growing, not losing land to sea-level rise, and island nations are attracting...

Climate Change Not Causing More Droughts, Deaths or Wars; Unlikely to Harm Plankton

A study by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) finds little evidence purported human-caused climate change is increasing the number or intensity of droughts or heatwaves...

The Nation Flounders on Miami Sea-Level Rise Story

By Sterling Burnett and Anthony Watts A recent debate in The Nation claimed Miami should either make plans to evacuate from the Florida coast or...

Media’s Recent Sea Level Rise Claims Fall Short – The Data Doesn’t Support It

Dozens of media outlets are parroting a news release from NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other federal agencies. Headlines such...

Fact Check: Alaskan River Erosion Slowing Down, Not Speeding Up, Giving Dying Town a...

At the very top of Google News search results today for “climate change” is a story by The Guardian claiming global warming is to...

Bangladesh Is Enjoying Record Crop Yields, Despite Media Falsehoods

An Al Jazeera article titled, “In Pictures: Global warming forces Bangladeshi tribals to migrate,” claims global warming is causing Bangladeshi drought, which in turn...

NY Times Claims Nepal Crop and Migrant Crisis – As Yields Set New Records

The New York Times invented a fake climate scare today (April 6), claiming climate change is causing thousands of people in Nepal to become...

No, Politico Europe, Vladimir Putin Is Not Making Europe “Green”

As war continues in Ukraine, Politico Europe names Russian President Vladimir Putin as their number one leader in the green energy movement. As Climate...

Wall Street Journal Notes Some Democrats Give Tentative Support for Natural Gas

The Wall Street Journal published an article “Chief of U.S. Energy Regulator Gives Climate Endorsement to Natural Gas,” which describes how Federal Energy Regulatory...

Daily Kos Defends Big Tech, Is Confused About Crop Yields vs Crop Production

The leftist website Daily Kos is feeling threatened by the Climate Realism website. Yesterday, Daily Kos published an article titled, “Heartland Is Apparently Confused...