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Al Gore’s Rant at the Davos/WEF Forum that Climate Change Will Create 1 BILLION...

Media outlets, such as, Fox News, Reuters, The Daily Mail, and The Epoch Times are abuzz with former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore’s performance at...

Biden Administration Claims ‘tens of millions’ climate refugees coming, history shows otherwise

Recently Yahoo News ran an article, titled “Biden administration report foresees 'tens of millions' of climate change refugees in the coming decades. The report...

No, CNN and Gov. Edwards, Climate Change is Not Creating Louisiana Refugees

A CNN broadcast about coastal losses due to land sublimation and sea level rise claims that climate change is causing a refugee crisis in...

Tone-Deaf ‘Climate Czar’ John Kerry Wrong Again, This Time on Refugees

Even as Russia’s war in the Ukraine kills thousands of innocent civilians, including women and children in bombed out hospital maternity wards, John Kerry,...

Note to Joe Biden, Climate Change Is Not Forcing Migration or Creating Refugees

A variety of news outlets, including Al Jazeera, Fox News, and Grist, have run stories in recent days discussing President Joe Biden’s executive order...

Mann Blames Climate Change for Refugees – As Crop Yields Set Records

Prominent climate alarmist Michael Mann appeared on a March 29 CleanTechnica podcast claiming climate change is causing an uptick in refugees, even as beneficial...

CLAIM: Climate change is already forcing millions of people to migrate – Bill Gates’...

Editor's Note: The claim that "climate change will force people to relocate" is as old as the issue itself. Fortunately, none of the predictions...

Wrong, Grist, Climate Change is Not Worsening World Hunger

A recent article posted to Grist, titled “One in 11 People Went Hungry Last Year. Climate Change is a Big Reason Why,” claims that...

The New York Times Is Right, Finally; Climate Change Is Not Threatening Island Nations

The New York Times (NYT) recently posted an article, titled “A Surprising Climate Find,” which explains how island nations like the Maldives and Tuvalu...

Climate Fact-Check May 2024 Edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...