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Media Spews Misinformation About Emperor Penguins’ Breeding Failure

Editors note: Many news outlets fell for this flawed science paper and didn't bother to check facts before publishing news stories claiming the penguins...

OilPrice.com Contributor Misses the UHI Influence on Phoenix Warming Trend

A recent article posted at Oilprice.com claims that recent warming trends in Phoenix, Arizona are due primarily to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in...

What NASA and Science Admit but the Media are Failing to Report About Our...

Editor’s note: last week, Climate Realism also covered this event in a guest post from Ryan Maue, Ph.D., who also wrote about the effect of the...

Wrong, Associated Press, There is No Evidence Proving ‘Climate Change is Causing More Home...

By Anthony Watts and Sterling Burnett It appears Associated Press science writer Seth Borenstein has “hit one out to the park”, unfortunately for him, it’s...

Boston Globe Bites on the Seasonal Allergies Alarm, Ignores the Good News About Global...

For many, the onset of spring brings seasonal allergies in its train. Also, as a story in the Boston Globe demonstrates, spring delivers an...

Evidence that Statistical Adjustments and Urbanization Spuriously Warm Temperature Trends

Numerous media outlets including Yale Climate Connections, Fox Weather, The Associated Press, and The Washington Post, parroted NOAA's claim that 2022 was the sixth...

The Nation Flounders on Miami Sea-Level Rise Story

By Sterling Burnett and Anthony Watts A recent debate in The Nation claimed Miami should either make plans to evacuate from the Florida coast or...

Wrong, The Conversation, Evidence Shows People Are NOT Under Greater Threat From Hurricanes

A recent article in The Conversation suggests, based on new evidence of past hurricane frequencies, that coastal areas and islands in the Atlantic Hurricane...

No New York Times, Melting Ice in Greenland Isn’t a Serious Threat

The New York Times (NYT) recently published a very long op-ed by Bret Stephens, who was assigned to cover climate stories for NYT in...

Is Global Warming Responsible for Hurricane Ian? The Evidence Says No

GUESS ESSAY BY CHRIS MARTZ Come rain or shine, there’s no shortage of people rushing to link human-caused climate change to just about everything that...