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Epstein to Media: ’25 myths about extreme weather, refuted’
A recent Climate Realism post, “New Report Teaches the Media the Difference Between Weather and Climate” points out how the media erroneously conflates weather...
Independent Debunks Fake Sea Level Map Joke, Then Makes Its Own False Claims
The Independent recently ran a story discussing an image that went viral over the weekend purporting to show of what the United States will...
An Awful Chilly Global Warming in the Southern Hemisphere
As the southern hemisphere shifts into the winter this year, a multitude of media outlets are claiming that recent cold snaps, record setting temperatures,...
NOAA Carbon Dioxide Scientist Admits Despite Efforts, No Drop in Global Carbon Dioxide Levels
In a sobering admission to the Australian Broadcasting Company, NOAA scientist Pieter Tans, who is in charge of tracking Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Earth's...
Wrong, LiveScience, Global Weather Not Worsening
Near the top of the search results on Google news for the term “climate change” is a story from LiveScience claiming that climate change...
Contra USA Today, Maple Syrup Isn’t Going Anywhere
A google search for “Climate Change” this morning turned up an article from USA Today, which says that maple syrup production is at risk...
Wrong, Denver Post, Fires and Floods Aren’t Increasing
The Denver Post recently ran an article claiming global warming will cause more severe wildfire seasons, as well as more severe floods in the...
Wrong, Yahoo News, the Amazon Is Not Collapsing
Yahoo News recently published an article claiming the Amazon rain forest is nearing the point of no return; that climate change is pushing the...
Media’s Recent Sea Level Rise Claims Fall Short – The Data Doesn’t Support It
Dozens of media outlets are parroting a news release from NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other federal agencies. Headlines such...
NBC Relies on Bad Science to Scare Viewers
This morning NBC News aired a segment discussing a study from researchers at the University of Waterloo who claim that the winter Olympics may...