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Record Phoenix Warmth Not Reflected in Surrounding Weather Station Data

Guest Post By Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. *Editor's Note: Dr. Roy Spencer analyzes the impact of the Urban Heat Island effect on major U.S. cities, especially recent alleged record warmth in Phoenix, Arizona. Climate...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, ‘Extreme Weather’ is Fairly Common, Not Rare

Editors note: The media has a long and embarrassing history of trying to falsely connect virtually any abnormal, unique, or unexpected weather event to climate change, often labeling such events "rare" or "unprecedented." Here...

The Biden Administration Misleads the Public on the Land Needed for ‘Net Zero’

Guest Post By James Varney, RealClearInvestigations Editor's note: RealClearInvestigations analyzed the many factors that go into determining how much energy is needed, and how much renewables can provide. Despite government claims that land requirements will be...

No, New York Times, Humans Aren’t to Blame for Melting Glaciers on Mount Rainier

Editors note: The New York Times ran a story on September 9th, 2023, titled:The ‘Forever’ Glaciers of America’s West Aren’t Forever Anymore An excerpt: Climate change is melting the ice on Mount Rainier. The environmental effects...

Media Spews Misinformation About Emperor Penguins’ Breeding Failure

Editors note: Many news outlets fell for this flawed science paper and didn't bother to check facts before publishing news stories claiming the penguins will become extinct by 2100.  Guest essay By Jim Steele The recently...

No, BBC, Hurricane Hilary Was Not Unprecedented

Editors note: Despite what the BBC and other media outlets would like you to believe, history and data show that a tropical storm hitting Southern California was neither unprecedented, nor a record breaker. Originally...

Will Soaring Insurance Costs Derail the EV Revolution?

Guest essay by Duggan Flanakin Reprinted with permission from RealClearEnergy Four hundred ninety-eight electric vehicles (EVs) and over 3,200 other vehicles, including 350 Mercedes Benzes, were bound for Egypt on the Fremantle Highway when one or more of...

King Coal Outpaces Wind/Solar/Hydro and Other Renewables

From MasterResource By Kennedy Maize — August 15, 2023 “The historic trends contradict the conventional view that fossil generation has been declining, while renewables are gaining. According to the data, ‘The share of low carbon fuels...

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