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Data Disproves BBC’s Claim of ‘Sea Level Rise Speeding Up’

Guest essay by Paul Homewood The British Boradcasting Corporation (BBC) recently published this claim: Sea levels are rising much faster than a century ago, reveals the Met Office’s annual look at the UK’s climate and weather. The...

Al Gore Disgustingly Compared Climate Skeptics to Uvalde Police Who Allowed Children to Be Massacred

Guest essay by Jim Steele, originally posted on WUWT On July 24th on  Meet the Press, Chuck Todd interviewed Al Gore suggesting he is a prophet. Todd ignored all Gore’s failed predictions but started by fearmongering a...

The Climate Agenda Is What’s Melting

Guest Post by Steve Milloy President Biden is being urged to declare a climate emergency, which may happen as early as this week. If he does, the irony will be rich, as the 911 call...

Is Lake Mead shrinking because of climate?

Guest Post by Steve Milloy Wall Street Journal reporter Jim Carlton says Lake Mead is shrinking because of climate change. Is it? We report. You decide. Here’s is Carlton’s claim: First, the history of Lake Mead’s elevation is actually...

Why Does Boston Buy Natural Gas from Russia?

Guest Post by Andy May. Europe is vulnerable and needs our natural gas; prices are absurd and going higher. Yet, everyone in the oil and gas industry is afraid to invest any money, even if they have...

Newly-discovered Polar Bear Subpopulation: Another Climate Assumption Proven False

Climate alarmists often say polar bears will be reduced in numbers by climate change, and can't survive without summer sea ice. The polar bears have just proven them wrong. Guest post by Dr. Susan Crockford...

Sorry, UK Met Office, Data Show Current English Temperatures Not Unusual

Guest Post by Paul Homewood Editor's Note: Recently the National Climate Information Centre Met Office posted about temperature readings that it called unusually high for May recorded at Heathrow Airport. Leaving aside the fact that a...

Bank of England Uses False Data, Debunked Scenarios to Overstate Climate Costs

Guest Post by Benny Peiser, Ph.D. Editor’s Note: Banks and large stock portfolio investment management companies have been much in the news lately for their use of Environment, and Social, Governance (ESG) scores as a...

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