H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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Wrong, Business Insider, Climate Change Is Not Making Flying More Dangerous

The Business Insider posted a story recently claiming that climate change is making air turbulence more severe, threating the safety of air passengers. This is false. There is no evidence linking changes in the...

Boston Globe Bites on the Seasonal Allergies Alarm, Ignores the Good News About Global Greening

For many, the onset of spring brings seasonal allergies in its train. Also, as a story in the Boston Globe demonstrates, spring delivers an annual supply of stories blaming climate change for initiating earlier,...

Facts Matter, Nature World News: Coffee Yields Are Growing Amid Climate Change

An article in Nature World News alternately claims climate change has caused or is likely to cause a decline in coffee yields. This is false. Higher carbon dioxide levels do and will continue to act...

Sorry, NPR, Your Story on the Great Salt Lake’s Decline Was a Half-Truth

A recent story on NPR’s Morning Edition, titled “Climate change and a population boom could dry up the Great Salt Lake in 5 years,” bemoaned recent historically low levels of the Great Salt Lake...

Sorry, OZY/The Drop, Climate Change Did Not Cause 2022’s Decline in Kashmir’s Apple Production

A Google News search for the term “climate change,” today turned up a story published by The Drop, a publication of the multimedia outlet, OZY, which claims Kashmir’s apple production has dropped due to...

Sorry, Mainstream Media, 2022 Set Zero Records for Extreme Weather

As documented at Climate Realism, throughout 2022 mainstream media outlets claimed climate change was the cause of myriad, disparate extreme weather events that occurred throughout the year. From extreme winter weather, to hurricanes, to...

Get the Facts Straight, CNBC, Climate Change Is Not Harming Cambodia’s Crops

A story published by CNBC claims climate change is damaging Cambodia's crops by making it hard for Cambodian farmers and fishers to pay back loans they’ve taken out against their assets due to climate...

Wrong, Climate Home News, Climate Change Is Not Hurting India’s Sugar Crops

A Google news search for the phrase climate change today revealed a story on Climate Home News claiming climate change is harming Indian sugarcane production. Nothing could be further from the truth. Amidst normal...

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