A group of climate activists calling itself World Weather Attribution is claiming global warming made the 2019 Australian wildfires 30 percent more likely to occur than was the case 120 years ago. The leftist...
In a move that would divert resources and attention away from fighting a potential world pandemic, a top European Union official said the EU should focus on passing climate change restrictions as a means of fighting the coronavirus.
Prince Charles is fond of lecturing commoners about how we need to sacrifice our lifestyles to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but he is dealing with a royal case of embarrassment after having been exposed hypocritically jaunting around the world in private jets and helicopters.
Alarmists are pointing their finger at climate change for the recent wildfires in Australia, claiming global warming is causing drought conditions that have facilitated the fires. However, data from the Australian Government Bureau of...
Australian climate data show climate change is being unfairly blamed for the size and intensity of the fires. Read the original piece on this by Heartland's Tiffany Taylor here.