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Time to Ditch ‘Climate Models?’

Guest Post by Steven Hayward Editor’s Note: Steven Hayward, Ph.D. has long been a thought leader on environmental policy. In this article in The Pipeline,...

Wrong, CNN, AP, NYT, etc., Climate Change Did Not Cause South Africa’s Tragic Floods

A Google news search for the term “climate change,” over the past few days turns up dozens of stories in corporate media outlets blaming...

Time Mag is Wrong, Climate Change Will Not Make Food Scarce

A Time Magazine article ascribes the potential for a major food crisis to two sources: the war in Ukraine and climate change. Concerning the...

COVID/Climate Merging: Modeling study claims: ‘Climate Change Will Make Pandemics Like COVID More Likely’

Guest Post from Climate Depot Editor’s Note: Multiple mainstream media outlets, for example,  U.S. News & World Report, The Atlantic, and Forbes, have recently published articles tying climate change and...

WCVB Is Wrong, Climate Change Isn’t Destroying East Coast Lighthouses

A Google news search for the term “climate change” today revealed a post by WCVB5, Boston’s ABC affiliate, claiming lighthouses along the U.S. east...

No, The Columbian, Climate Change is Not Causing More Power Outages

The Columbian ran an article claiming extreme weather, exacerbated by climate change, is causing an increase in power outages across the United States. This...

Climate Police Occupy Wall Street

By Marlo Lewis, Jr. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Monday, March 21, released its proposed rule to require every “registrant” (i.e., publicly-traded company) to provide...

NPR Wrongly Blames Climate Change for Suffering Caused by Civil War, Corruption, and Weather

National Public Radio (NPR) recently published a largely pictorial article, titled “Meet 5 women documenting the effects of climate change around the world,” composed...

The Salt Lake Tribune Botches Medical and Climate Science in a Single Article

The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT) ran an article on March 31, titled “Climate change may push the U.S. toward the ‘goldilocks zone’ for West...

Hooray! Washington Examiner, You’re Right, Climate Change Isn’t an ‘Existential Threat’

A search of Google news for the phrase “climate change,” today turned up a refreshing article in the Washington Examiner, chock full of data,...