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Guardian warns ‘last chance’ on climate change, after many other ‘last chances’

If we do not heed this latest last chance, I’m sure there will be another last chance in the near future, just like all...

Washington Post Lies About Climate Change, Floods

Among the climate click-bait articles getting Google attention today is a piece in the Washington Post, ‘Millions of homeowners face flood risks without realizing...

New Climate Summary Debunks Ocean Acidification Scare

The oceans are not acidic, and more carbon dioxide is stimulating phytoplankton growth and marine life, reports a new summary published at ClimateAtAGlance.com. The...

Media Champions College Staffers Urging Fake ‘Climate’ Death Certificates

Five college employees in Australia published a letter in the medical journal Lancet demanding medical doctors list climate factors like heat more often as...

Climate Chronicles Episode 3: The Scientific Case of Vacating the EPA’s Endangerment Finding

The lead authors of an important new study that invalidates the models that supported having the EPA rule that CO2 was dangerous and should...

Honors Students at University of Utah Attack UN Climate Consensus

Eleven students with the University of Utah’s Honors College viciously attacked climate science in an April 11 column in the Salt Lake City Tribune....

Purdue Study Destroys ‘Permafrost Methane Bomb’ Climate Myth

Scientists at Purdue University have destroyed a key component of alarmist warming predictions, publishing a study showing thawing permafrost will cause far less methane...

WHO Official: Coronavirus Shows What Is Possible for Climate Restrictions

In a stunning threat to individual freedom, a powerful international body is eying coronavirus restrictions as an instructive lesson for climate change restrictions. In an...

MIT Podcast Denies Climate Science, Extreme Weather Events

A March 25 MIT Technology Review podcast titled, “Yes, you can blame climate change for extreme weather,” defies objective facts and even the findings...

Climate Activists Push ‘Study’ Rewriting Australian Drought, Wildfire History

A group of climate activists calling itself World Weather Attribution is claiming global warming made the 2019 Australian wildfires 30 percent more likely to...