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No, CNN, Climate Isn’t the Cause of Excess Deaths in Europe

A recent video news story on CNN claims that climate related deaths in Europe are 1.4 million per year. This is false. Climate change...

Wrong, Bloomberg, Climate Change is Not ‘Coming for Your Cabernet’

A recent article in Bloomberg, titled “Mother Nature Is Coming for Your Cabernet,” makes the oft-repeated claim that climate change is threatening wine production,...

No, WaPo, Climate Change is NOT Fueling More Devastating Rains and Flooding

A June 26 article in the Washington Post (WaPo) titled "The places in the U.S. most at risk for extreme rainfall" makes this claim...

No, Forbes, Climate Change is Not Behind the Sriracha Shortage

A recent Forbes article claims that the recent shortage of the popular hot sauce “Sriracha” is likely due to climate change. This is false....

Correct, CNN, Cocoa Prices Are Due to Natural Weather Conditions and Disease

A recent story published to CNN’s website helpfully explains the reasons behind rising cocoa prices, and some of the struggles that cocoa farmers around...

No, WaPo, a Texas Heat Wave has Nothing to Do with Global Climate Change

The Washington Post (WaPo) has published a story claiming that the heat wave in Texas this week is "tied to climate change." This is...

Wrong (Again), CBC, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Decline in Wine Production

For the second time in the space of two months CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, ran a story claiming climate change is harming wine production,...

No, BBC, Flight Turbulence Is NOT a Worsening Problem in Global Aviation

An article on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website makes the claim that clear air turbulence (CAT) is getting worse, affecting airline flights, and...

Wrong, Mainstream Media, Climate Change Didn’t Cause Canadian Forest Fires or the Smoke in...

Last week, mainstream media outlets were abuzz with stories claiming that smoke from wildfires in Canada visibly polluting the skies in New York City,...

Climate Fact-Check May 2023 Edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the...