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Kudos to Fox News for Summarizing the Top Issues Liberal Media Outlets Have Blamed...

As Climate Realism readers know, we provide factual rebuttals to media outlets that publish stories falsely blaming climate change for what seems to be...

Wrong, BBC, Global Human Health Outcomes Are Improving As Climate Changes

The BBC is among several mainstream media outlets, like USA Today, hyping a report which claims human health is suffering due to climate change....

Tell the Truth, PBS, Data Show Climate Change is Not Harming Wine and Spirits...

A story on PBS News Hour claims climate change is harming wine and spirits production. This is false. Data show that grape harvests, and...

True, WSJ, Hurricanes are Not Becoming More Damaging, Climate Policy is

In the Wall Street Journal, there is an op-ed that provides a fact-based perspective on climate change and its effects. The article emphasizes that...
comparison of drought and green

Epstein to Media: ’25 myths about extreme weather, refuted’

A recent Climate Realism post, “New Report Teaches the Media the Difference Between Weather and Climate” points out how the media erroneously conflates weather...

CNN Writer Correctly Attributes Blame for Hurricane Ian’s Impact to People, Not Climate Change

Writing for CNN, Stephen Strader, a Villanova University geography and environment professor, attributes the large amount of damage Hurricane Ian caused to decisions made...

New Report Teaches the Media the Difference Between Weather and Climate

One of the most common mistakes made when discussing climate change is claiming that specific weather events are proof of climate change. A recent...

Friends of Climate Realism Warn Congressional Leaders About Suicidal Energy Policy

Fox Business broke a story about how several energy and environmental policy experts penned a letter of warning to congressional leaders, telling them that...

Breitbart Gets Cause of Inflated Pumpkin Prices Right: Fuel, Ferts, and Weather

In a recent article relevant to the Halloween season, Breitbart explains that compounding factors, including high fuel, fertilizer, and seed prices, and regional drought...

New York Federal Reserve Bank Confirms Weather Disasters Aren’t Necessarily Disastrous for Banks

In a report, titled “How Bad Are Weather Disasters for Banks?,” staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (NYFed) conclude weather disasters...