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Washington Post Publicized False Health Crisis Connection to Climate Change, Facts Refute It

The Washington Post ran a story publicizing claims made by some public health authorities at COP-26 that climate change was causing a public health...

ABC News Promotes Misleading Claim by the U.N. That Climate Change Is Causing Madagascar...

A Google news search for the term “climate change’ today turns up a number of stories in the mainstream media promoting the United Nations...

Sorry, Nat Geo, Data Falsifies Your Climate Change Crisis Claims

A pictorial essay in National Geographic (Nat Geo) claims to show human climate change causing various natural disasters. It is often said “a picture...

World Economic Forum Asserts Climate Change Pasta Crisis – As Production Sets Records

An article published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) today, titled “Bad news for pasta lovers: the effect of climate change on food staples,”...
Climate Alarmists Flip-Flop Again

Climate Alarmists Flip-Flop Again: Cancel their Monsoon Drought Crisis, Now Claim Too Much Rain

Among its top results today under the search term “climate change,” Google News is highlighting articles claiming new research shows global warming will cause...

United Nations Denies Its Own Data While Claiming Climate Food Crisis

The United Nations is seeking to drum up money and power with a new article claiming global warming is causing a food crisis in...

Lindzen: Climate ‘Crisis’ Is Equivalent of a Person’s 98.7 Degree Temperature

Physicians don’t put patients on life support when patients register a temperature of 98.7 degrees, and neither should politicians declare a climate crisis as...

Crisis Canceled: Pikas Adapting to Climate Change ‘Remarkably Well’

Comprehensive new research shows pika populations continue to thrive as the Earth modestly warms, throwing cold water on longstanding claims that climate change will...

Media Criticize Coffee’s Climate Emissions, While Crying About Fake Coffee Crisis

Climate activists and their media allies are blasting coffee growers and coffee drinkers for carbon dioxide emissions, while hypocritically promoting false claims that climate...

World Economic Forum Denies UN Climate Science, Invents Fake Drought Crisis

The World Economic Forum (WEF) – a globalist organization comprised of the world’s leading political figures, billionaires, and international corporations – published an article...