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Global Temperatures vs. Global Crop Yields

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I keep reading that increasing temperatures will cause decreasing yields of our food crops, resulting in widespread hunger ... for...

While Climate Activists Push “Crop Failures”, Science Doubles the Crop Yields

Like clockwork, every year climate activists and their media enablers publish bold headlines claiming that global warming aka "climate change" will result in crop...

Sorry, Google News, Crop Yields Keep Growing, Not Shrinking

Among its top search results today for “climate change,” Google News is promoting a story published by Courthouse News Service claiming climate change has...

Google News: Guatemalan Farmer ‘Battles’ Climate Change, Increasing Crop Yields

Google News this morning is promoting an article claiming Guatemalan farmers are being afflicted by negative impacts from climate change – as Guatemalan crop...

Bangladesh Is Enjoying Record Crop Yields, Despite Media Falsehoods

An Al Jazeera article titled, “In Pictures: Global warming forces Bangladeshi tribals to migrate,” claims global warming is causing Bangladeshi drought, which in turn...

Daily Kos Defends Big Tech, Is Confused About Crop Yields vs Crop Production

The leftist website Daily Kos is feeling threatened by the Climate Realism website. Yesterday, Daily Kos published an article titled, “Heartland Is Apparently Confused...

Sorry, Reuters, ‘Erratic’ Indian Weather Brings Record Crop Yields

Reuters claims in a newly published article that climate change is wiping out soybean crops in India, causing protests and civil unrest. In reality,...

Yes, Environmental Health News, Crop Yields Are Rising, Not Falling

Among the top Google News search results today under “climate change” is a story in Environmental Health News (EHN) claims climate change will decimate...

Media Lies About California Crop Yields

The Heartland Institute's Andy Singer compares real-world data to climate alarmist news in this daily Climate Realism video update.

Media Claim California Crop Crisis – As Farmers Complain About TOO HIGH Crop Yields

California farmers complain that record yields are lowering prices Google News and the alarmist media are warning about climate change harming California crop production...