Guest essay by Larry Hamlin (originally Published at WattsUpWithThat)
In the most recent L A Times article hyping “the hottest October on record” the Times can’t seem to get it right in understanding the critical differences between “average...
Guest essay by Vijay Jayaraj
African priorities differ from those of Europe and North America. Among the Dark Continent’s most daunting challenges are poverty, malnutrition, lack of healthcare and proper education, unemployment, inferior transportation infrastructure...
Guest essay by Larry Hamlin
The LA Times article shown below addresses recent heat, drought and flood weather related events of California’s Central Valley and falsely portrays them as being caused by “climate change” (code actually...
Guest Post by Jo Nova
Editor's Note: Green projects are being stymied worldwide as investors realize that green energy will never be cheap as promised. This analysis by Jo Nova confirms what Climate Realism has...
Editors Note: Many media outlets have been pushing the idea that summer 2023 was a record breaking “hottest summer ever.” However, when the actual temperature data is examined, it says otherwise. This lack of...
EDITORS NOTE: Last week, the media went agog, (examples: here, here, and here) over a flawed study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) that claimed wet bulb temperatures (essentially the heat...
Guest essay by Dr. ROY SPENCER AND KEVIN DAYARATNA (originally published at Newsweek)
Bad news sells, and numerous media outlets have sensationalized the past summer as being the hottest on record. But the details behind the dramatic...
Guest Post by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
We are now getting close to finalizing our methodology for computing the urban heat island (UHI) effect as a function of population density, and will be submitting...