James Taylor

James Taylor is the President of the Heartland Institute. Taylor is also director of Heartland's Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism.



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Alarmists Claim U.S. Climate Change Migration – As Population Moves South

At the top of Google News searches today for “climate change,” an article published by the liberal website Pro Publica claims global warming during the next few decades will force millions of Americans from...

‘Party of Science’ Explains Wildfires: ‘Mother Earth Is Angry’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who has claimed Democrats are the ‘party of science’ while frequently blasting Republicans for being ‘anti-science,’ yesterday claimed the reason California is experiencing wildfires is because “Mother Earth is...

Boston’s Fake Sea Level Scare Debunked – Part 2

Yesterday on Climate Realism, we debunked a fake sea-level scare promoted by Boston’s National Public Radio affiliate, WBUR. WBUR claims global warming has caused 28 trillion tons of ice to disappear since 1994, which...

Time to Countersue Portuguese Children for Climate Change Benefits?

A group of leftist lawyers called the Global Legal Action Network is exploiting four children and two young adults by filing a claim in the European court of human rights claiming climate change is...

World Economic Forum Denies UN Climate Science, Invents Fake Drought Crisis

The World Economic Forum (WEF) – a globalist organization comprised of the world’s leading political figures, billionaires, and international corporations – published an article today claiming a global drought crisis that is explicitly refuted...

Sorry, NY Times, Forests Are Expanding, Not Shrinking

Showing up among the top Google News results today under “climate change” is a letter published by the New York Times titled, “Protecting Forests From Climate Change.” The subtitle of the Times letter is,...

Media Claim California Crop Crisis – As Farmers Complain About TOO HIGH Crop Yields

California farmers complain that record yields are lowering prices Google News and the alarmist media are warning about climate change harming California crop production and bringing “hard times” to California farmers – even as...

New Climate Summary: Meat, Livestock Have Little Climate Impact

American ranchers and U.S. meat consumption have virtually no impact on greenhouse gas emissions or climate, reports a compelling new climate summary. The new climate summary, “Climate at a Glance: Livestock and Methane,” documents...

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